Into the Labyrinth Finale

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Yuri doesn't like how they had to take Aromage Bergamot with them. He's the type who held grudges. Everyone can see it clear as day.

But they need the monster to navigate the Labyrinth. Being connected to Floren in a way Duel Monsters are, those who had a deeper bond than mere duel and card, allows him to find out the fastest route in finding their wayward girl and avoid the trap.

Time is the essence.

"So, uh, Bergamot-san?" Yuya piped up. "About earlier, when you said the state of the Garden reflecting Floren-nee's mind... what do you mean by that exactly?"

"Exactly as it sounds," Bergamot replied. "The disrepair state of the Garden reflected that Milady's mind is shutting down lest it completely collapses."

"...and the Worms? They give me bad feelings."

"Oh, those." The Monster spewed the word with so much vitriol. "It was something a man called 'The Doktor' come up with and the root of everything."

Yuya turned to his Fusion Counterpart.

"Do you know this Doktor?"

Yuri clenched his fist.

"Just hearsay." He replied. "Not too long ago, the Doktor made a breakthrough in something. Something that can help make a more efficient soldier. Those who show lackluster performance, those who show... disagreement with Academia's tenets... they were sent to the Doktor and came back as changed people."

Yuya and Zarc exchange a look.


"Definitely Brainwashing."

Even without the state of their surroundings being proof of it, they had consumed too much media to not know the tropes.

They were glad Yuri never had to know the Doktor personally. Who knows what could happen?

(They certainly won't complain if it ends up with Yuri killing the man, though.

That fucker has it coming.)

The corridor changed from a stone labyrinth to one made from Iron, with intricate carving covered in rust and dried blood. Faintly, they could hear chitter chatter from a distance.

"I cannot go further than this," Bergamot told them. "Lest I risk going back under the control. So long as Milady is still in that state, I am still in danger of Brainwashing's Ripple Effect. You have to go by yourselves. I pray for the Stars to grace you with all the luck you need."

"Thank you."


From that point onwards, the atmosphere is downright foul. It reminds Yuya of that time when Sergey summoned Earthbound Immortal.

Except this time he was in Zero Ground and it was downright creepy! It feels like there are numerous creepy crawlers all over his body.

"I feel dirty." He shivered, rubbing his arms to ensure there was no creepy crawler actually on him.

"Ditto." Murmured Odd Eyes, just as creeped out.

A few more meters and they came upon a door... that was less of a door and more of several iron spears haphazardly tied together by barbed wire.

"Is this meant to keep outsiders from going inside or is it meant to keep what's inside from going out?" Zarc commented. "On second thought, the answer is probably both." He uses his Scythe-thingy to wedge the gap and force it open.

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