Upping Up the Difficulty

865 30 3

My heart beats faster when I pick up sounds of footsteps.

The mall, or what left of it, was silent. I was sent to patrol here, alone.

Wow. What a nice reception, guys. Seriously.

At least I was equipped with communication device so I am not totally isolated.

Hence when I heard sound that I definitely did NOT make, I was instantly wary. Looks like I am not the only one who do a sweep among the ruins of city.

I take off my shoes and socks and carry them as I run across the floor. It hurt my feet, since there are pebbles everywhere—at least it wasn't glass shards—but at least my footsteps is not as audible compares to if I'm wearing shoes.

There. I found them.

Two Obelisk Soldiers were searching through shops. Wondering if they would meet the rumored Resistance.

Well. They don't exactly get their wish. But I'm not half bad either.

"Only two?" I called out. Putting on my footwear before jumping to the lower floor where they are. "Normally I would be swamped with half a squadron at the least. Are you running out of personnel?"

"You are... Shiunin Sora. The Traitor."

"At your service." I grin. "So? Where are your comrades? Or were you taken out already?"

Cannot be that. I'd know. The others are assigned at different sector in the city. But hey. If I can rile them up, all the better. Angry people rarely tend to think straight.

As on cue, they began steaming.

"Bold words of Traitor!" One spat out. "You probably are not any better! Why else you were alone, huh?"

One, ouch. Two, I would never admit that one burns.

Any regret I might have facing them gone up. So I do what I do best:

Being pain in the ass.

"Eh, they probably know I'm awesome enough even by myself." I grins. "Bet I can take you two alone."

I haven't got that Ace-in-the-Hole that I requested from Yuzu. Bummer, but well, making new card is not easy. Especially last time Yuya pitch in the effort.

So I have to make do with what I got. My deck, and extra bonus.

(Floren Briar is one prepared girl. More like, overprepared.

Kaito is going to steal some of cards she gave to me if he knows what they can do.)

"We shall see! Duel!"


Sora LP: 4000

Obelisk Force #1 LP: 4000

Obelisk Force #2 LP: 4000

So easy to riles. Ah well.

How hard beating Ancient Gear can be? They're dummy deck so long I make sure they won't gain upper hand. I've done it so many times.

"I'll take the first turn." I declared. Looking at my starting hand.



It's quite the premonition but whatever.

"I activate Polymerization to Fuse Edge Imp Sabres and Fluffal Bear! Come, Frightfur Bear!"

Frightfur Bear | Level 6 | Dark

Fiend / Fusion / Effect

ATK 2200 / DEF 1000

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