Knight meets Ronin

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"One, swing, two. One, swing, two." A young man who looked no older than 13 was swinging a wooden sword. His name is Jaune Arc.

He's training so he could become a huntsmen so he can follow in the footsteps of his warrior of a father, grandfather, great grandfather, and great-great-grandfather. He wanted to be a hero, just like them. However, he lacks any, scratch that, all of the training needed to even start at an academy. So he figured; "If I don't know, might as well try to teach myself."

He swung and swung again at the enemies around him with precision, strength, and skill so great he could be considered a legend. In his head anyway. In reality, his swings were clumsy and sloppy. Soon enough, he tripped and stumbled.

"Oww" he moaned in pain. "That sucked. What am I doing wrong?!"

As he was about to swing again, a strong, high but low voice called out and he stopped.

"Hey kid, your form's off. You're putting too much of your weight in your knees. It's throwing you off balance. Even a minor Grimm like an Ursa or a Beowulf can take advantage of that."

Jaune turned to see a man who looked like he was in his early to mid twenties. He had sharp features, spikey jet black hair, and was looking at him with crimson red eyes. He wore a black opened jacket with a hood on the back with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows with a dark grey t-shirt with gold colored designs. His legs dressed in black bootcut pants held up by a black belt and his feet adorned by a pair of black, gold and white sneakers. Finishing off his attire was his right arm wrapped in white bandage wraps and his a gold bangle on his left. The most notable feature to his appearance was that he had a faded scar on his right side that looked like it came from a blade from his jaw to his cheek. Jaune had to admit, the mystery man was pretty handsome, although intimidating.

"Huh?" Juane answered the stranger

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"Huh?" Juane answered the stranger. Confused at what he meant and where he came from.

"Your form's crap. And again, all your weight is in your knees. That makes it harder to land a second attack." The stranger then held out a his hand and a weird sword magically popped out of thin air. It looked like a fusion of a greatsword and an õdachi. It was mostly silver with a black handle and guard with crimson markings.

"Woah." A look of shock appeared on Jaune's face as he stumbled back a bit. Startled by the weapon suddenly appearing like it did.

"Point your toes in the same direction as the sword, then take a half step forward with your dominate foot to shift your weight. Go on, try it." The stranger instructed, taking the same stance he suggested.

Jaune was skeptical, but followed the man's advice and took the stance. He swung his sword forward and then shifted to the left for a left sided slash.

"Woah. I...I did it. I ACTUALLY DID IT!!! ALRIGHT!!! NO MORE FALLING OVER!!! WOHOO!!!" Jaune cheered as he finally made real progress and not just imagining it.

"I meant to try it on a single swing, but you did exactly what I would've done, minus the cheering. Not bad kid." The stranger complemented Jaune with a soft smile on his face. Contrasting his previous assumption of him.

"Wow thanks. I'm Jaune by the way. Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it." Jaune said, politely introducing himself to the man.

"I'm gonna be blunt with you kid. If you approach a woman like that, she's guaranteed to turn you down." The stranger said nonchalantly. Causing Jaune to fall on his back.

"Anyway, my names Andito Moratana. But you can call me Andi. It's nice to meet you Jaune." The man now known as Andi responded. Making small pleasantries with the young teenager.

"How'd you know a trick like that would work. Are you a huntsmen or something?"

"Not exactly. I'm more or less a nomad/ronin. But I do know my way around a fight. I'm pretty much undefeated nowadays." Andi said in a casual and then bragging tone.

"Then. Do you think you can teach me? Even if it's a little, I'm sure it can help."

"Hmm I don't know."

"Come on. Even if it's just a few lessons I'll work hard I promise."

Andi took some time looking at him. Like if he was looking for something. Then he asked Jaune a question.

"Why do you want me to train you?"

Jaune looked confused at the question. He was about to respond with something, but Andi's presence, it made him feel calm, but on edge. Soon he responded with the honestly from his heart. Unbeknownst him, Andi's red eyes were slightly glowing.

"Because. I want to be a hero."


"I want to become huntsmen, so I can be a hero. My father, my grandfather, and his father before him. They were all heroes. They all fought for what was right, for the faunus who are being discriminated, and for other people's futures. I wanna be just like them."

Andi was staring into Jaune's soul with his glowing red eyes. Only seeing truth in the boys words, while also sensing a latent talent. Immediately making his decision.

"Hmm. Alright then."

"Huh?" Jaune looked confused by his answer.

"I said alright then. I'll train you."


"Really." (Nodding in agreement)


"But you have to promise me one thing."


"That whatever I teach you. You'll only use it to become a hero. Not to abuse it by hurting the innocent and become a bully. Do you promise?" Andi said holding his fist out.

Jaune looked a little taken back by what he said, but smiled nonetheless.

"Yeah! I promise! I won't let you down!" He said meeting his fist with his own. Forming a fistbump.

"Alright. Let's get started."

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