Improvements and New Edges

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Huntsmen Training Year 1:

6 months have past since Jaune started training under Andi, and he's made significant improvement. He no longer falls over when trying to do multiple attacks, as well as learned how to hold and use a shield properly. But if he's gonna get strong enough to be huntsmen, then he'll need more physical strength. So Andi brought him a training vest, wrist and ankle weights. They're not too heavy, but heavy enough for it to be considered training. At best the beginner weights were 20 lbs each, and the training vest weighing 30lbs. It's to help him improve his physical strength while he's training with Andi's training weapons, which can weigh as much as the training gear. As it stands, his physique has improved to where he now sports a six pack and an increase in muscle mass, strength, speed, stamina, durability, and balance. In terms of his training, right now he's learning rapid attacks with a sword.

Jaune swings his wooden sword at Andi, but he blocks it with his without issue. Not only blocking, but weaving through his attacks.

"No. You're too slow. Don't pause in between attacks. What we're going for is a rapid fire assault."

Jaune was panting a little, but followed his instructions.

"Yes sir!"

A while later, they were taking a lunch break. Andi was just fine after training, but Jaune. He was fatigued and had a few scratches. Along with a cut on his cheek.

"You've come a long way since we started. Keep this up and you might be on par with pro huntsmen in no time. Sorry about the cut though." Andi complemented Jaune, impressed by his pace of growth. And then apologizing for cutting his cheek in their earlier sparing session.

"Wow thanks. And it's alright. It'll heal eventually."

Andi looked a bit surprised at this. A normal person could heal a cut like that in an instant.


"Uhh, yeah. In a few days."

"Weird. It normally takes a few seconds to recover from something like that. Unless."

"Unless?" Jaune was curious at what his teacher was implying.

"Do you have aura?"


"I'm asking, do you have your aura unlocked?"

"What? Psst, of course I do." Juane asked nervously.

Andi raised an eyebrow. And then flared his aura.

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