Forever Fall

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The professor Goodwitch and a select few of her students where walking through the Forever Fall forest on a field trip.

"Yes students. The forest of the Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight see." Glynda reminded the students as most were admiring the sight. Especially Ruby, who was looking around with child like wonder written all over her face.

"I can't lie. This place is beautiful." Jaune thought while taking in his surroundings.

"Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples of the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so. Each of you is to collect one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm. So be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4:00. Have fun." Glynda finished explaining the assignment and waving her hand in the action of sending us off.

Ruby and Yang gave each other closed eye smile smiles. Soon after, each team went their separate ways.

"Hey Ruby. Wanna team up? With both of our teams working together it'll guarantee we all finish fast and can stay safe." Jaune suggested to team RWBY's leader.

"Sure. Sounds like fun." She replied.

"I'm down!" Nora cheered.

"It does sound more effective." Blake implied.

Ren nodded at her statement.

"I suppose." Weiss input.

"Sure why not." Pyrrah agreed.

"A chance to hang out with a stud like this, how can I say no to that." Yang teased while rapping herself around Jaune's arm, making him blush and making Pyrrah give her a glare.

"YANG!!! CONTROL YOURSELF!!!" Everyone present scolded Yang.

"Fine. Fine." Yang reluctantly let go.

Pyrrah on the other hand was still sending her a death glare, but was left unnoticed.

As the group of eight their way to a group of trees to start tapping.

(A/N: That's what drilling into a tree and collecting sap from it is called.)

"So how do you wanna do this?" Ruby questioned Jaune.

"How about you and your team get your samples of sap while we keep an eye out for Grimm. Then you can do the same when we're getting our samples."

"Sounds good." Ruby agreed with Jaune's plan.

As team RWBY began tapping, team JNPR kept watch. RWBY would've finished in a matter of minutes if someone would stop eating their sap.

"Nora! Either you stop eating their samples or you loose your pancake privileges for three months!" Jaune warned her in a strict tone. Which got her to obey.


"Only if you stop eating our sap samples."

I promise!"

"You better. If you take a lick or even a finger of sap. I'll know."

Nora let out whimper while nodding.

"Nicely done Jaune. Not many people can handle Nora. Let alone get her to behave." Ren complemented his leader.

"Andi taught me a few things on how to handle the hyperactive."

"He has my compliments." Ren stated.

"I'll make sure to tell him."

As team RWBY continued with tapping, team JNPR continued to keep watch. As they did, Pyrrah nervously went up to Jaune to ask him about something.

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