Invincible Girl vs Dark Horse King

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Team JNPR was now in the arena of prof Goodwitch's classroom. After a small conversation with Ozpin, Jaune and Pyrrah were given permission to have their battle. Word of said battle spread fast throughout the school as a large number of the student body got excited and went to watch. They'll be talking about this legendary duel for years to come. The Invincible Girl vs The Dark Horse King. The seats were full and several students were recording it. All while the professors along with professor Goodwitch and Ozpin stood by, supervising the duel taking place.

"GO PYRRAH!!! I'M COUNTING ON YOU!!! WIN ME MY PANCAKE RIGHTS BACK!!! PLEEEEEAASE!!!" Nora cried/cheered/begged for her teammates to win.

The majority of the crowd was cheering for Pyrrah considering she was a world renowned fighter, a prodigy, and a famous celebrity.

While a handful of students were cheering for Jaune. The majority of them being faunus. Ever since he stood up to Cardin, he's become something of a role model for them. In a short time he's become quite popular among the faunus student body for his strength, power, ideals, and charisma. But the one thing the faunus and human students cheering for him had in common. Is that the girls were crushing on him. He was strong, powerful, and handsome. His kind soul and caring heart was strong enough to capture all of their hearts. Something Pyrrah noticed and was not pleased by at all.

As the two combatants stood face to face in the arena. They gave each other a look.

"Don't hold back. Or else I wouldn't have really taken down the Invincible Girl." Jaune conditioned Pyrrah.

"Oh I don't intend to. But let's up the stakes a little." She replied with a challenge.

"What do you have in mind?"

"You have to beat me only using Divinus Mors."

Everyone watching gasp at Pyrrah's sudden challenge.

"Miss Nikos you can't possibly be suggesting..." Professor Goodwitch tried reasoning with her before she was cut off by Jaune.

"Alright. But if you loose you have to do whatever I tell you for a month."

The crowd was now getting excited and started cheering louder. She just made the stakes higher than ever.

"Place your bets people! Invincible Girl Pyrrah Nikos vs Dark Horse King Jaune Arc!" Nora shouted out while holding two baskets with pictures of the two taped on them almost filled to the brim with lien.

"Your placing bets on our teammates?" Ren questioned her with disbelief lacing his voice.

"Yeah how else am I suppose to make this much easy money?!" Nora replied with no shame.

"Your unbelievable." Ren told her bluntly.

"Alright then. I accept your challenge." Pyrrah accepted Jaune's challenge, making the crowd roar in excitement.

"The duel will now comense. This will be a no bounds battle. Fighters take your positions." Ozpin ordered as both of them prepared their weapons and took their stances.

Pyrrah taking out Milo and Akouo with Milo in it's xiphos mode. While Jaune took out Candidus Mors in it's sheath mode and Aureum Mors in it. Then transforming them into Divinus Mors. Both taking their mastered stances.

Pyrrah glanced at Jaune's stance and questioned it.

"A stance like that leaves him wide open. What's he thinking?" Pyrrah thought to herself.

"Fighters ready?! Begin!" Ozpin gave them the signal to start.

Cue "Sword Land ost" SAO....

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