Round One

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A/N: This chapter will have a lot of wholesome moments for the Arc family. Especially a only once before scene where father and son reconcile with each other. And an unofficial and nonexistent appearance of a famous RWBY writer from who I took my creative liberties and turned them into a Crosser. If you are said writer and are reading this, please don't sue me. I'm a fan of yours and I couldn't pass up not including you. I probably should've asked you for permission first. But please bear with me.


It all began, as most things do, with war.

The Kingdoms of the world had been locked in a violent struggle for years. But eventually, the great war of Remnant came to an end on the small island of Vytal. It was here that humanity's leaders chose peace over bloodshed, and constructed the future of modern society, establishing new laws, new academies, and new traditions.

The Vytal Festival was created to serve as a celebration of peace between the Kingdoms.

Every two years, a Kingdom would be chosen to open its doors to the world, allowing citizens from every corner of Remnant to meet and indulge in one another's cultures.

The pinnacle of this event was the Vytal Festival Tournament.

After the newly formed Huntsman academies proved to be a success, the Vytal Festival Tournament was designed to test the strengths of the Kingdoms' warriors in a safe, and friendly, competitive environment, a wonderful method in which to ensure that the world's Huntsmen would never settle for mediocrity, but would constantly strive to become the absolute best they could be.

As the skills of the Huntsmen grew, so did the games. And in time, it was decided that the tournament would need a stage equal in greatness, to that of its competitors.

Amity Colosseum was the culmination of the four Kingdoms' efforts; a technological marvel and a shining symbol of harmony, capable of making the journey to all the Kingdoms of Remnant.

It's true that all of this began with war. But, it is peace that has served to shepherd humanity on its ascension to greatness.

May we never stray from that path.


We flash to see Jaune outside sitting on a bench near the huntsmen statue in Beacon's courtyard. He shifted in his seat anxiously, like if he was waiting for something.

"Jaune!" A familiar voice called out to him.

He turned around to see the rest of team JNPR approaching him lead by Pyrrah, to who the voice belonged to.

"Oh, hey guys." He replied as he remained sitting down.

"What you doing just sitting there come on! We gotta get going if we wanna get good seats!" Nora loudly exclaimed.

"You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up." Jaune tried to assure them. Sadly it wasn't working today.

"You look anxious. Is there something wrong?" Ren asked trying to get any answers from his leader.

"No, there's nothing wrong. I'm just waiting." He answered.

His answer sparked some curiosity in Ren and Nora, and sparked suspicion and a bit of envy in Pyrrah.

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