Welcome to Beacon

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A new day has come over Beacon Academy. Students went on with their daily routines. Whereas team JNPR was in Beacon Academy's library. Ren and Pyrrah were studying while Nora and Jaune wasting their time by sleeping or by reading an X-Ray Vav comic. Pyrrah not pleased and took the comic and made him read a textbook to study.

"Hey! My grades are okay. Give me a break." Jaune complained to his red haired love interest.

"I prefer it if you could do as best as you can. After all, I like smart guys too." Pyrrah teased him.

Jaune however was convinced and started studying like there was no tomorrow.

He could hear team RWBY make different noises about a boardgame they were playing.

"Hehe. Remnant: The Game. Andi and I used to play that a lot with my parents and sisters back home. If we didn't, I'd probably be failing history by now." He thought. Reminiscing about his time playing the game with his master and family.

"Sup losers!" A certain monkey faunus by the name of Sun Wukong announces his presence.

Sun is a man of 5 foot 7. He wore an opened white buttoned shirt which displayed his abs. A pair of blue jeans

"Hey Sun." Ruby greeted the man in question.

"Ruby. Yang. Blake. Ice queen."

"Why does everyone keep calling me that?!" Weiss complained about her nickname.

"I never got a chance to formally introduce my old friend." He said pointing to his friend.

The man in question is relatively tall. Around 6'3 feet in height. He had tan skin, light blue hair, and blue eyes. He wore a white dress shirt and black tie under a red jacket adorned with a wide, upturned, black collar and a silver reticle across the back. He also sports a pair of gray jeans with black padding strapped to the sides as well as black shoes fastened with straps instead of laces. Along with fingerless gloves and yellow-tinted goggles.

"Uh. Aren't libraries meant for reading?" He said making a good point.

"THANK YOU!!!" Ren said out loud. Relieved that someone understood his point of view.

Nora then let out a snort as she woke up.

"Pancakes!!!" She let out.

"Shut up don't be a nerd." Sun ordered him.

"Gehgehgehgeh! Intellectual. Okay. Thank you." His blue haired friend corrected him. Trying to keep up his cool outlook.

"I'm Neptune."

"So Neptune. Where are you from?" Weiss asked wanting to know more about the man who's good looks had just swooned her.

"Haven." He answered walking up to her.

"And. I don't believe I caught your name. Snow angel."

Weiss giggled at the nickname Neptune gave her.

"I'm Weiss." She politely introduced herself.

"Are you kidding me?! I look just as good and I have actual muscles! And this dude who came outta nowhere managed to actually attract Ice Queen. It's official, she has no taste for guys. Whatever. I already got my eyes on the most beautiful warrior princess in Remnant."

"Pleasure to meet you."

"I never took you as the boardgame playing type." Sun commented Blake for playing.

"Right. Well, I think I'm done playing actually. I'll see you guys later." She said getting up and walking back to her team's dorm.

Everyone was confused at the raven haired girl's actions. Sun shrugged as a response.

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