The Shining Beacon: Part 2

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Jaune and Ruby continued walking until they found the auditorium where all the students were. Then the blonde girl from earlier called out to them waving. More specifically Ruby.

"Ruby! Over here! I saved you a spot!"

"Oh. I gotta go. I'll see you after the ceremony!" Ruby said bidding farewell to her knightly new friend.

"Hey wait! Ugh great. Now where am I supposed to find another nice quirky girl to talk to?!" Jaune loudly complained. Unbeknownst to him, a certain redheaded gladiator had already set her eyes on him.

"Might as well join her."

"So how's your first day going little sister?" The blond girl asked Ruby.

"Hold on! Those two are sisters. I couldn't even tell! My god she's hot!"

"You mean since you ditched me and I exploded!?"

"Yikes. Meltdown already?"

"No she literally exploded." Jaune said cutting into the conversation. Which caught both girl's attention.

"Yeah! He was there! Tell her Jaune!"

Yang took one look at him and took a sultry stance. The guy in front of her had semi-long shaggy blonde hair. He was tall, had broad shoulders and a defined figure. He was muscular, but not overly muscular. His white and gold armor really highlighted his look. And his dark blue eyes really made his face stand out.

"Woah. Who's this guy? My god he's hot. Ruby you and I are gonna have a talk about this later."

"And who would you be handsome." Yang said in a flirtatious tone at our blonde knight. Catching the latter off guard.

"Yang! Don't flirt with Jaune he's my friend!" Ruby said embarrassed at what her sister was doing to her new friend.

Jaune blushed at how this girl just flat out flirted with him. Causing him to stutter.

"Uh...I..well that's."

"Sorry Jaune. Yang does this a lot."

"Oooh you already made a friend I'm so proud of you!" Yang squealed hugging Ruby tightly.

Jaune was still blushing, but managed to compose himself.

"A-anyway. She did explode. There's a crater in the courtyard. There was fire, maybe a some ice."

"Are you being sarcastic. I like guys with a good sense of humor." Yang flirted again with a wink. Making him blush more than he already had been.

"Yaaaang! I thought I told you to cut it out!" Ruby scolded her older half sister. Desperate for her to stop teasing her and Jaune.

"Come on. I'm just joking. So how did you explode again?"

"It was terrible. I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage. And then she yelled at me. And then I sneezed. And then I exploded. And then she yelled again. And I felt really really bad and I just really wanted her to stop yelling at me." Ruby stated in a panic. Unaware that the same girl was right behind her.

"You!" She shouted to our youngest hero. Frightening Ruby as she jumped into Yang's arms with her eyes closed and started panicking.

"Oh god it's happening again!"

"You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!"

"Oh my god you really exploded." Yang said realizing what Ruby and Jaune told her was true.

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