Knight Time Fun

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Since team JNPR wasn't involved in The Stray or White and Black, we'll watch them do their own thing. Along with a good old fashion 3v1 brawl. Knight vs Viking, Amazonian, and Ninja.

Unknown Location...

Jaune and Ren were engaged in one of the fiercest battles history would ever tell.

"You're able to keep pace with me. Most impressive." Ren said to Jaune.

"Thanks. You're better than I thought." He retorted to his half-ninja teammate.

"Come on Jaune! You can do this!" Pyrrah cheered on her leader.

"Kick his butt Ren!" Nora cheered for her childhood friend.

The crowd cheered, and the intensity of the duel only got hotter.

They're feet were as swift as wind and their bodies flowed like water. Neither of them could over take the other.

"Final stretch!" Jaune noted loudly.

"Victory is mine!" Ren followed.





Down Left


Left Up

Down Right



Up Right

Left Down


Right Left




Player 1: Perfect Score

Player 2: Perfect Score

Dance Dance Revolution

"Seriously?!" Jaune groaned loudly.

"You know how to dance too. You certainly are most impressive Jaune."

"I guess. Growing up with 7 sisters will do that to you. That and Andi incorporated dancing into his and my fighting style for balance and coordination. So there's that."

"Again. He has my compliments."

Team JNPR was on their weekend break and decided to spend it at the arcade as a team bonding exercise. Just now, Jaune and Ren played Dance Dance Revolution and became somewhat of legends for scoring a simultaneous perfect score on the game's hardest setting.

"That was amazing." Pyrrah complimented the two boy's match.

"YOU TIED WITH RENNY!!! TEACH ME YOUR WAYS FEARLESS LEADER JAUNE JAUNE!!!" Nora exclaimed then begged while groveling on the ground.

"Yeah no. Let's try something else. My feet are killing me right now."

"Very well." Pyrrah agreed.

"Same." Ren followed.

"Let's go bowling!" Nora cheered Ren and Pyrrah agreeing. Jaune on the other hand...

"I'm gonna have to pass. Sorry."

"Why's that? Are you by any chance a gutter ball king too?" Pyrrah questioned with a teasing tone.

"No. It's. Sighs. It wasn't just dancing, Andi made sure to incorporate sports into my workout regime too. And bowling was one of them. I'm pretty good, but the balls we would use were 80 to 100 lbs. And the pins were 30 lbs each."

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