Pieces and Players: Part 2

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The eight teenagers ran. They kept running until they reached some other ruins. Sadly for them, the Nevermore was still hot on their heels. It flew over and past them, circling once again. The eight Beacon hopefuls hid behind some stone pillars. The Nevermore perched on top of a stone tower as it let out it's signature screech.

"Well that's great!" Yang complained about their situation.

"We'll be fine. Jaune took down the Deathstalker earlier. Now we can all work together to kill that one." Pyrrah reasoned with Yang.

Just as she said that, another hissing roar was heard and a Deathstalker came from the forest. Breaking down any trees in it's path as it did so.

"HOW'S THAT THING STILL ALIVE?!!! WE ALL SAW JAUNE-JAUNE KILL IT?!!! RIGHT?!!!" Nora exclaimed in shock at the sight of the Deathstalker she believed Jaune killed was somehow still alive.

"I did. Then that means....THERE WERE TWO OF THEM?!!!" He exclaimed in shock and horror.

"WHAT?!!!" All eight of them exclaimed.

"Oh man run!" Jaune yelled to everyone.

Everyone ran from the new Deathstalker.

"Nora. Distract it." Ren told his friend.

She did as she was told as she went to get into position. The Nevermore threw feathers at her but she dodged all of them. She then took out her grenade launcher and fired multiple shots at it's face. Knocking it back a bit as it flew off.

The Deathstalker was coming up from behind Nora, but Blake and Ren stopped it and Weiss got her out of there.

Jaune and Pyrrah were running across the bridge with Pyrrah looking back to see the Deathstalker just right behind Blake and Ren.

"Go Go!" She told everyone else as she stopped and transformed her xiphos/javelin/rifle: Milo into it's rifle mode and started shooting it from a distance. With Ren who already caught up to her following her lead and using his twin sub-machine pistols/small sickles: Stormflower to shoot rapid fire shots at it's face. Blake caught up with them as they ran across the stone bridge. The Nevermore came back and flew towards them and destroying the bridge. Jaune, Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and Nora were on one side, and Blake, Ren, and Pyrrah were on the other, fighting off the Deathstalker as best as they could. With Blake being knocked down as Ren and Pyrrah kept shooting.

"Man we gotta get over there, they need help!"

"Let's do this!"


Jaune held strengthened his grip on Aureum Mors and ran to the edge. Then using his superhuman levels of strength and speed to leap over and to the other side.


While Nora used her war hammer/grenade launcher: Magnhild in hammer form, stood on it, and pulled a trigger to fire a projectile that pushed her forwards.

"Woo!" Nora cheered having fun flying through the air.

The Deathstalker was about to attack Blake with it's giant claw but Jaune came in just in time and pushed it away. Then Nora came in and smashed her hammer on it's head.

"Nora Smash!"

The Deathstalker was pushed down a little and tried to attack Nora with it's stinger. But Nora shot another of her gernades from Magnhild in hammer form to get away. Then the Deathstalker attacked her again, but she used Magnhild to block. But she was pushed back, bumping into Blake, and making her fall off the bridge.

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