Behind Closed Doors

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We shift to Ozpin's office later that evening. Ironwood is waiting with his arms crossed, Winter is impatiently pacing about, Monty was idly reading a book, Viro was drawing in a notebook and Andito was meditating to try and calm down from his earlier outburst. Not long after, a smirking Qrow, who was accompanied by Goodwitch, Ozpin and Seto, arrive in the elevator.

"What were you two thinking?!" Winter exclaimed.

"If you two were of my men, I would have you both shot!" Ironwood followed.

Qrow pulled out his flask as the three entered the room.

"If I was one of your men, I'd shoot myself." Qrow retorted. Causing the crossers in the room to burst out in laughter.

"Pull out the sunscreen General, cuz you just got burned!" Fang laughed.

"While I wouldn't condone Qrow's or this young man's behavior, retaliating like you did certainly didn't help the situation." Goodwitch stated as she crossed her arms and took a posture.

"He was drunk!" Winter tried to retort.

"He's always drunk!" Glynda exclaimed impatiently.

The eight turned to Qrow to see him drinking from a flask. His eyes widen when he notices them staring, and he holds the flask out to the side, looking at it awkwardly before grimacing.

"Moreso, young Seto did try to settle the matter diplomatically until you involved him in your little skirmish. True, while he did get into it more than he should've, but he at least tried to act civil from the start. And as he said before Ms Schnee, you are a specialist. So please, act like it." Monty lightly scolded.

"But, he's the Storm Wolf! The Divine Beast! He's a menace and a dangerous criminal!" She stated, trying to defend her actions.

"The what now?" Seto asked dumbly.

"DON'T PLAY DUMB!!!" She shouted as she drew her only remaining rapier and pointed it at Fang.

"Hey, if I knew what you were talking about, I would probably try to help." He continued nonchalantly.

Winter was prepared to attack Seto for the second time today.

"SCHNEE!!!" Ironwood shouted, forcing her to stop.

"General Ironwood, you must-!" Winter was cut off.

"Enough." Ironwood said calmly.

"But sir-!"

"I said, enough!"

Winter glared at Seto. The latter of whom, along with Qrow, Andito and Viro, started laughing.

"Qrow." Ozpin called.

The trio stopped laughing as Qrow stood at attention.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he took a seat on his chair and desk.

"You've been out of contact for weeks! You can't just go dark like that in the field!" Ironwood exclaimed.

"I'm not one of your special operatives Jimmy!" Qrow retorted.

"General!" Winter corrected sternly.

"Whatever. You sent me to get intel on our enemy, and I'm telling you, our enemy is here." He continued as he pointed his finger downwards.

"Dude, we are not looking for your d**k." Andito joked internally.

The crossers who could read minds struggled to stiffel their laughter. Said stiffels thankfully going unnoticed.

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