Along Came The Crossers

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Blake sprinted through the hallways of Amity Coliseum in search of team JADE in order to get answers from their leader about what happened to him and why he was here.

"Blake! Hey Blake! Wait!" Yang called out as she ran after her partner.

Blake reluctantly stopped and turned to face her.

"What is up with you? Is getting answers from that Julian guy really that important?" Yang questioned her.

"If he didn't actually defect from the White Fang then he's a serious threat to everyone here. I need to be sure if he actually did." Blake answered.

Yang wanted to retort but knew she was right as she sighed.

"Alright. But you owe me a fresh bag of popcorn. Lightly buttered, hold the salt."

Blake smiled at her partner's attempt at humor.

"I will."

The two girls walked down another hall in an effort to look for team JADE.

"What exactly are you planning to ask him? Because I don't think "why are you here?" is gonna cut it." Yang inquiried.

Blake let out a sigh.

"I need to ask him why did he leave the White Fang, if he did. And see if he isn't secretly a violent extremist working for someone I used to know."

"Well, that's not a very nice thing to think about me." A voice said from out of nowhere.

The girls yelped in surprise as their eyes darted, looking for the source of the voice.

"Ahem!" The voice said again.

The two girls followed the voice and looked up to see Julian Danders, a.k.a Dancer, sticking to the ceiling by his feet while leaning backwards to look like he was lying on his back. His two differently colored eyes scanning the black and blonde girls while looking at them unamused.

"Aaaaaaah!" They screamed at the spider faunus' unexpected showing.

"For the record Belladonna, I'm not with the White Fang, not anymore." Dancer said as he shot a webline in front of him and placed it between his feet before sliding himself down like a certain infamous wallcrawler from the MCU.

The two girls took a step back as he lowered himself. Getting into fighting stances in case he did something or tried to run off.

"I left those nutjobs years ago. I'm a decent man now with a team and a promising future as a huntsmen." He continued as he stopped his descent at their eye level.

Blake struggled to find her words before taking a breath and finding them again.

"Why did you leave the White Fang?"

Dancer sighed before righting himself up and landing on the floor. Standing and turning to face the two girls.

"It's a long story. But I'll tell you, just not here. I prefer privacy. Come on, I know a place." He motioned with his hand as he walked down the hall.

Blake and Yang were hesitant, but followed him.

They arrived at a desolated hallway, a single bulb their only source of light. Dancer stood on one side while Yang and Blake stood on the other. Both staring each other down, waiting for the other to talk first.

Julian sighed before speaking up.

"So, what do you wanna know?" He said, breaking the silence first.

"Why did you leave the White Fang?" Blake questioned.

"Straight to the point, just like back then." The spider faunus quipped.

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