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We have a look into the girl's locker room at Beacon Academy where we see Pyrrah adjusting her leg bracers and putting on her circlett. And then watching her gracefully and dignifially walking down a hallway. Her heels making clicks whenever she took a step.


We flash forward to her striking Cardin Winchester with Milo twice with him stumbling from the impact.


Back to her walking. We she her upper body. Her corset keeping her chest from hindering her in a fight.


Flash to her exchanging blows with Dove Bronzewing.


She continued to walk and then equipped herself with Milo and Akouo. The xiphos/javelin/riffle and aspis shield making a satisfying click in the process.


Flash to her fending off Cardin and Sky Lark simultaneously.


We look behind her at the bottom of her legs and moving up towards her upper body. For Pyrrah, this wasn't an normal match. This was a test to see how far she can push herself. To test for acknowledgement from the one she loves. A test for the Invincible Girl to win the Warrior Saint's heart. With her having no idea she already had.


Flash to her knocking Russell Thrush down to the ground and blocking an attack from Sky.


We she her from behind and her upper body on camera. Her red hair swaying with every movement she made.


Flash to her running towards someone.


She enters an arena like room with a single light lighting it up.


She switches Milo from a xiphos to it's javelin form as she slashes at Cardin while also using Akouo to block his attacks as she spun. Then dashing forth and slashed him again. Making him kneel from the damage he took. Then she somehow appeared above him as she fell towards him with Milo in xiphos form, ready to perform a downward stab attack. But he rolled out of the way just in time. Then throwing Milo in javelin form at Dove who deflected it with his hallstatt sword/revolver: Hallshott. But Pyrrah sweep kicked him and made him fall backwards.

"Waahh!" Dove cried out as he fell.

She then shot a round and started clashing with Sky with Milo in ruffle and then xiphos mode. While she swung and thrusted with grace and coordination. Meanwhile Sky was uncoordinated and clumsy with his halberd/rifle: Feather's Edge. To which Pyrrah took advantage of and sent him flying backwards.

Cardin looked frustrated as he charged at her, exchanging some blows. Then raising the Executioner over his head and bringing it down with tremendous force and breaking the floor. And using the flame dust crystal in the Executioner to generate an explosion to make the impact stronger. However Pyrrah flipped sideways to dodge. But Cardin wasn't finished. He spun to gain momentum and swung his mace at her. Pyrrah blocked his attack with Akouo. But the force of the attack sent her sliding back.

Sky came from her side, twirling Feather's Edge and swung at her from above. But Pyrrah leaped to dodge it. Cardin took advantage of her being airborne and swung the Executioner at her. Only for her to use Akouo to block and use the force from the hit to spin herself around and kick Sky off his feet. Cardin tried to punch her while she was on the ground, but she once again leaped out of harm's way.

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