The Inner Circle; Plus 1

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Andito Moratana is a man who can do many things. Going through long boring meetings for adults is not one of them. However, this meeting will be anything but boring. As some of the people attending have the power to decide Remnant's fate. And one in particular has the power to destroy it.

The four adults gathered in Ozpin's office as they were going to discuss something of the utmost importance.

"I don't understand Ozpin. Why is he here?" Ironwood questioned his friend's decision to let a stranger in when they had bigger problems to worry about.

"Because I happen to know things. Things any of you can only dream of learning, Jimmy." Andi retorted.

"It's General." He corrected.

"Does it make a difference?"

Ironwood was going to retort. But had nothing to say and just scoffed in defeat.

"I didn't think so. Anyways. Why exactly did you call me? I'd rather be at home working on a new weapon or training with my students." Andi complained about being summoned to Beacon so abruptly.

Glynda became irritated at his remark.

"Headmaster Ozpin himself summons you and this is the respect you show him? You should..." She said with malice lacing her voice. But then was cut off when the sword he carried on his back was a centimeter away from her face in an instant and an even greater malice filled the room.

The windows of the office cracked as everyone in it felt heavier all of a sudden.

Ozpin was taken aback, while General Ironwood and Glynda could only look in horor as all they could see was his glowing red eyes and a creature that can only be described as a demon.

"I should what? Go on

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"I should what? Go on. Finish that last thought. Please." Andito's voice sounded like there was two people talking at the same time. Only adding to the level of danger they felt from him.

"I. I-I. W-well. Uh."

"Say it. Or I'll kill you."

Glynda went pale at his threat. With her and Ironwood now knowing very well he could kill everyone in the room without trying.

"Settle down Andito. I'm sure she didn't mean it like that. Not only that, killing her would ruin your image with Monty and Mr Arc." Ozpin reasoned with Andi while taking a sip from his mug.

After hear that, Andi stopped radiating his malicious and returned to his original state.

"Right. Sorry about that." He apologized to Glynda sheepishly while scratching the back of his head.

"Nothing to forgive." She blurted out, still frozen in fear from Andi's malice attack.

General Ironwood also remained frozen. This man who he'd never heard of could give off a powerful but dangerous sensation with what he assumed to be his semblance and had levels of speed and power that easily surpassed any pro huntsmen. But he managed to regain his composure and steel his nerves.

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