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Jaune was sleeping as peacefully as he usually did. Who could blame him. He wasn't a nervous wreak who had to cheat their way into Beacon and he had everything he could every need and want in life.

He had amazing friends, good looks, tremendous strength, passing grades, popularity, respect, a girl he wants to impress, and good dreams at night. His life at Beacon was perfect.

"Snore. Snore. Uh. Waffles. Snore."

That is until his scroll started ringing at around three in the morning. And he had to have the X-Ray Vav theme song as a ringtone.

He picked it up from the shelf next to his bed and saw it was Ruby calling him. It was enough to convince him to answer instead of hang up.

"Hello?" He answered but only got static. Two seconds later the call automatically hung up.

"Ruby?" He questioned with concern forming in his mind.

The next morning had come around and team JNPR wasn't as sore as they expected. In fact, they were fresh as a daisy. Jaune's demonstration of Nen took a toll on their minds. Making them more tired mentally than physically.

"I'm sure they're fine." Pyrrah tried to reassure him as they and the rest of team JNPR were walking to the bullhead that would take them to the village where their mission would take place.

"You think?" Jaune double took what he was told.

"Probably a butt dial." Nora assumed as she skipped while singing a tune.

"Team RWBY has always performed exceptionally in the field. We should be focusing on our own mission." Ren said, choosing to have faith in their sister team's abilities.

"We're gonna be deputies!" Nora exclaimed excitedly.

"I don't know. I just have this feeling in my gut. Andito always said listen to your gut when you think something's wrong." Jaune answered, still feeling worried for his friends on team RWBY.

"True to that." The man in question called out from nowhere.

"Ahhhhh!!!" JNPR yelped as Andito Moratana popped out of nowhere and was right behind them.

"Morning." He greeted like nothing happened.

"Will you stop doing that?!" Jaune exclaimed in annoyance.

"Jaune-?" Pyrrah wanted to ask him something but was stopped.

She was cut of by the sound of sirens. Not just any sirens, they were alarm. The ones that always went off when there was a Grimm attack.

The five present looked towards the city of Vale and saw smoke rising in the distance. Shortly after the alarm at Beacon went off loudly. Causing Nora to cover her ears.

"We're changing our mission. Everyone on board." Jaune ordered as he motioned them to follow him on to the bullhead.

He stood at the entrance as he moved his back and forth hand for each of his teammates that climbed aboard. But then he put it on Ren's shoulder to stop him.

"Ren. We'll make it out to that village another time." Jaune assured him.

Ren only nodded in understanding as he made his way on to the bullhead. With Jaune following right behind him.

"Take them to the city." Jaune ordered to the pilot.

This threw his teammates for a loop.

"But what about you?" Pyrrah questioned her leader about his decision.

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