Dancers and Diamonds, Part 2

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Things were turning around for team VTRI. They had two members left while team JADE only had one. Not to mention two of their more dangerous members, Dayton Callahan and Edd Onyx were eliminated. Giving them more room to breath. But not without losing two of their own in the process.

We look from the sidelines of Dancer and Viro's battle to see Serenity Respo behind a large rock at the edge of the snowy tundra. Watching her leader duke it out with another Crosser. It was quite a sight to behold, even if she has no idea what a Crosser is or that they exist.

"Look at them. They're so strong. I bet even the Ace Ops back home wouldn't stand a chance against them." She thought in admiration.

She then looked towards the screen that showed everyone's aura levels and saw that she was only at 21% and only one point away from going into the red zone.

"Oh no. Using that technique, Sho must have taken a toll on my aura. And if I interfere I'm for certain going to get eliminated. I won't be able to back up Viro if he needs help." She thought frustratingly.

As the Crossers clashed, Viro's aura was steadily dropping while any aura Dancer lost was quickly replenished by his spiders absorbing his crystals' aura and then transferring it to him.

Viro clicked his tongue and went for a close up attack with Shiney Sting but Dancer, as his nickname implies, danced out of the way and launched his own attack using Poison and Venom.

Viro blocked it by making a crystal shield with his semblance. Before pushing it and sending Dancer back a fair bit. With Dancer back flipping and landing gracefully on his feet.

"What's wrong? You're looking a bit worn out. Don't tell me you're already spent?" Dancer taunted as he spun his sickles attached to his weblines.

"You wish! I'm just getting warmed up!" Viro taunted back as he took a particular stance.

Dancer, Serenity, Teams RWBY and JNPR and the Arc family looked on in intrigue.

Just then Shiney Sting started glowing with an azure light.


"Woah!" Amber awed.

"Seriously?!" Jade and Hazel exclaimed simultaneously.

"He's gonna use it?!" Juniper questioned.

"The legendary sword skill?!" Sable followed.

"The 11 hit combo one?!" Lavender continued.

"Mother's Rosario!" Coral said.

"Viro's getting serious!" Nicholas cheered.


"What is that?" Yang questioned.

"Is that another aspect of his semblance?" Blake followed.

"Is he using dust?" Weiss did the same.

"Why is it so cool?!" Ruby awed the glowing rapier.

"No. That isn't part of his semblance. That's what happens when someone charges up a lot of aura and channels it into a weapon and then program that aura to follow a certain attack pattern. It's called a sword skill. One of the ultimate moves a practitioner of Aincrad style can utilize." Andito explained what his dragonfly faunus student was doing.

Every member of team RWBY looked at the raven haired Crosser with large blank eyes and disbelieving looks.


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