Reminiscence x And x Nen

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It was now night time and team JNPR couldn't have felt anymore more dead than they possibly could. The minute they git back to there dorm, Pyrrah and Ren plopped face first on to their beds. Just sat on his and let out a sigh of exhaustion. Meanwhile Nora looked like she could run a marathon and then some.

"That. Was AWESOME!!! Forget emo man I wanna train with Mr Monty." She exclaimed at the next best thing to training with Andito.

Jaune then let out a tired chuckle at his ginger haired teammate's antics.

"Never change Nora. Never change."

Everyone let out a hearty laugh at their resident hammer wielding berserker's antics.

"Speaking of him, Jaune, I never got the chance to ask you, but." Pyrrah brought up.

"What is it?" He brought up in turn.

"What was training under Moratana like?"

This caught Ren and Nora's attention as Nora kept quiet to pay attention.

Jaune thought back to the four years he trained with Andito and how many moments they had together.

"It was an, interesting experience, to say the least. But we did have our moments."

"Moments?" The red haired Spartan questioned out of curiosity.

"Well it started way back then...."


Sirens were heard as an ambulance was just outside of a hospital. A blue van parked not too far behind.

We zoom inside the hospital as we see eight children, seven girls and one boy. Along with their mother.

They looked frantic as their mother did her best to try and calm them all down a little.

"Mom? Is dad going to be okay?" One of the girls asked. She wore a red shirt with a white one underneath, along with kaki pants and orange shoes.

"I'm sure he's alright Saphron. He's as stubborn as they come. He won't go down that easily." She reassured her.

"But what if he isn't?"

"I'm sure the doctors are doing their best sweetie. All we can do now is hope for the best."

In the Operation Room....

"His heart rate is steady!"

"Breathing is normal!"

"Muscle tears just about everywhere."

"This is gonna be a pain to explain to them."


"Why was your dad in the hospital?" Nora asked without shame.

"Nora!" Ren and Pyrrah reprimanded her for asking such an insensitive question.

"Have you ever heard about 'The Fall of Centralia'?"

Everyone's eyes widen after hearing that. Even more so after putting two and two together.

Centralia was a major colony that was beginning to become a large town than a village. But then seemingly out of nowhere, it was attacked and overruned by a Grimm hoard. With a Grimm of epic proportions leading the charge. It was so large and so sudden, no one could prepare fast enough to stop it or save the town. Leaving everything destroyed and several people either injured or dead. It made the news for a week straight. About every news network covered it.

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