Burning the Candle

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It was the day before the dance and things were going splendidly between team JNPR. Well, as splendidly as things can get between them anyway.

We see Nora and Pyrrah picking out a dress for the dance, Ren was taking a shower and Jaune was taking Andi to meet team RWBY.

"So are the members of team RWBY as cute as you say kid?" Andi asked his student about if the girls of JNPR's sister team where as attractive as he made them out in one of his letters.

"You bet they are. And I'm sure you'll like them a lot. Well except Weiss, she isn't worth it." Jaune answered.

"So what are they like?"

"Let's see. Ruby's a weapon dork. Blake likes books. And Yang just likes to have fun,"

"Huh. I haven't even met them yet but I like them already. Minus the Schnee brat, but I'll let her decide that."

The master and student reached the doors of the ballroom. As Jaune was about to open them, Yang opened them from her end and accidentally hit Jaune in the face and knocked him on to the floor.


"Huh? Oh, sorry Jaune. Didn't see you theeerrr..." She trailed off after noticing Andi standing next to him.

"Oh my god who's this guy. Man he's hot." Yang thought as she looked over at Andito.

"Kid? You still alive?" He said to his blond apprentice.

"Yeah. I'll live." Said blond replied.

"Good. Because I would've killed you if you didn't." Andito said in a nonchalant manner.

Jaune yelped as he turned pale and jumped on to his feet.

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT SO CALMLY?!!! I DON'T EVEN HAVE A GIRLFRIEND YET!!! ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN MY LOVE LIFE?!!!" Jaune exclaimed at his teacher's tendency of making nonchalant death threats.

"Relax. I just messing with ya."


"Love you too kid."


"You'll always be kid to me, kid."



As the two were having their little quarrel, Yang got a little frustrated that Andito still hadn't noticed her.

"Ahem!!!" She coughed out, catching the two's attention.

Andi examined Yang's face with a sense of familiarity running through his mind.


Yang noticed this and started blushing and turning away from him.

"Is he examining my body? No. He looked at me in the eyes. But why did I look away?"

"Oh, Andi, this is Yang Xiao Long. She's a member of team RWBY and their leader's older sister. Yang, this is Andito Moratana. My teacher and tutor." Jaune spoke up introducing the two.

"Looks like you were right. If hot stuff here is any example, then her team is definitely made of all cuties." Andito complemented while embarrassing Jaune.

"YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SAY THE LAST PART OUT LOUD!!!" Jaune exclaimed, blushing furiously.

"Kinda had to."

Yang on the other hand was blushing just as furiously as Jaune. Not only did she just met his teacher but she also found him very attractive and he called her hot and kept embarrassing Jaune.

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