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Countdown for Beacon: Times Up

Jaune Arc had learned a great many things under Andi's tutelage. And he had grown not only strong, but into a respectable young man.

Andi not only taught him about fighting, but how to be a real man. A man must always know when to fight and when to run. They must be afraid in order to be brave. It's okay to be scared, but if you're afraid and still keep going, then you've become brave. In a fight, the people come first. If they're human or faunus is irrelevant. A huntsman protects everyone unconditionally.

He helped him in his studies so he wouldn't fall behind in school. Not being the best, but good enough to where he'd be passing.

He also taught him how to really attract women. Be confident, but never become overbearing. First, find out if they're your type. Then become friends with them. Get to know them from their likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dreams for the future. Build their trust by being humble, it's important to build an understanding between you and them. Most importantly, start slow. Never rush by flirting nonstop. It's important to have a basis on them, complement them when it's called for, and understand what makes them comfortable or uncomfortable.

In terms of his combat ability, skill, and power, he's at best on par with the likes of an upper rank combat school graduate. His dust control is nothing special, but it would be enough to get him into Beacon. His aura control and semblance use aren't bad either. But there was still a lot of potential to be unlocked.

Argus Airport: Mistral Anima

Jaune was at the landing field where the airship to Beacon would arrive to pick him up along with the other potential students. His sword in his shield/sheath on his back.

A.N: The shield/sheath can now be attached to his back like it can on his arm and waist.

But before the airship arrived, Andi came up from behind to say some last minute words of wisdom to Jaune.

"Hey kid."

Jaune looked behind him to see Andi.

"Andi. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you off. And to give you some last minute words of advice."

"Really. What are they?"

"First off, even though you have a strong handle over your aura. There's still so many things you can learn if you want to do more with your semblance. I recommend looking at what others can do with their's."

"What do you mean by that?"

"There are all kinds of people out there with all kinds of different semblances. By observing them, you can see how they use them, and come up with ideas on how to improve your own. Like extending it outward."

"Oh. That makes sense." Jaune said finally understanding what his master was implying.

"The same can also apply for your fighting style. By learning more about yourself and others around you. You gain a broader perspective of the world, and you can reach a new level of strength."

"Will that really help me get stronger?"

"It's a gamble. But it's a gamble we all take eventually. And I think it's one worth taking."

"Well if you think so, then I think so too!" Jaune said agreeing with his teacher.

"That's good to hear. Also."

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