The Badge and The Burden

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Nightfall was upon Beacon Academy. Intitation was over and the ones who passed and put on to teams were now in their dorm rooms sleeping.

Although elsewhere in an abandoned warehouse. A orange haired man in a white suit was getting off the phone. This man is the most wanted man in Vale. His name is Roman Torchwick. Letting out an exhausted sigh, lighting a cigarette as he did so. Then a man in a white military uniform walked up to him with a cart full of crates. Torchwick then paid him fir the cart and it's content.

"Open it." He ordered.

The other man then opened one of the crates. Revealing a number of many different dust crystals inside. Roman picked one of them up.

"We're gonna need more men."

Back at Beacon...

It was 7:50 in the morning and some of the students were still asleep. Some except for our favorite blonde haired hero Jaune Arc. He was finishing up in the shower. Then drying off and getting changed into his new school uniform. He took a glance at his scroll and saw it was now 8:00.

"Andi would usually wake me around this time to start training. Better wake up the others. Don't wanna be late on the first day. Mom and Dad would probably kill me if I was. Andi on the other hand would definitely kill me." Jaune thought, frightened at what his parents and teacher would do if he was late on today of all days.

Jaune then took a look at the sleeping forms of his new teammates. Nora was spread all throughout her bed with her blanket falling to the side with a strand of drool falling from her mouth. Ren was a still as a log, breathing silently. And Pyrrah was on her side hugging her pillow like a teddy bear.

"Hehe. Look at them. Oh well."

Jaune then got out a megaphone and set it to it's loudest setting. He took a deep breath, and yelled as loud as he could.


Team _NPR along with other teams who slept close to them jumped in surprise and took a while to process what Just happened. Once they did, they looked at the clock, but because they're were half asleep they didn't read it right, and started rushing.

"Oh no! We're going to be late!" Pyrrah exclaimed in worry of being late on the first day.

Ren and Nora followed her example and rushed to get ready. All while Jaune looked on from the sidelines. Once they were ready, they were about to rush to the door but Jaune stopped them.

"Jaune what are you doing?!" Ren asked loudly.

"You said we'd be late for class!" Pyrrah pointed out loudly like Ren.

"It's only 8:35. We still have twenty-five minutes." Jaune bluntly informed his team.

They took a double take at the clock and saw he was telling the truth.

"THEN WHY'D YOU WAKE US UP?!!!" Nora shouted in Jaune's face, angry that he woke them up like he did early in the morning.

"It's called being the responsible one. Something you should start being every once in a while." Jaune retorted to his carrot haired teammate. Which made the rest of team JNPR snicker.

"Get yourselves straightened up. We gotta make a good first impression on our first day."

Nora, Pyrrah, and Ren obeyed, although still a little peeved at their leader for waking them like that. After 20 minutes team _NPR finished fixing themselves up and now looked like proper students.

"Good. Class starts in five minutes. So let's go." Jaune said nonchalantly.

"Wait. FIVE MINUTES?!!!" Pyrrah asked.

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