Push and Pull Through

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Team JNPR continued standing there dumbfounded at what they heard. Jaune more than anyone. He was not only shadowing another crosser, but he was going to shadow the one who made Remnant and brought upon the creation of aura, dust, semblance and in the beginning, magic. Basically the father of the brother gods, humans, and faunus. Not to mention the one who started the huntsmen tradition all that time ago.

"So? What are we going to be doing?" Pyrrah asked Monty, trying to lighten the atmosphere Andi left with his morbid joke.

"I'm glad you asked Pyrrah. As you know, I'm a Grimm hunter. But I'm also a sheriff. I keep Remnant safe not just from the creatures of Grimm, but from the people themselves." The Oum crosser explained to the two huntsmen and huntresses in training.

"From the people?" Ren questioned.

"There are all sorts of people living out there. And some of them aren't exactly friendly. Take the White Fang or human supremacists. Extremists in general. People like them are actually a bigger problem than everyone lets on." Jaune answered his teammate.

"Exactly. When those kinds of people start something. It usually ruins the peace anyone should normally live in. Humans attacking faunus and faunus getting revenge on humans. It starts a cycle that lasts from one generation to the next. So it's our job to keep the peace between the people to prevent or break any cycles of hate. It keeps the Grimm away and the people can live happily. It's a win for everyone." Monty approved as well as built on what Jaune had said.

Team JNPR nodded in understanding. Fighting Grimm was expected of a huntsmen, but so was the general wellfare of people.

"Get some rest you four. You'll need it for tomorrow." He ordered as they obliged and walked away.

They walked out of the amphitheater and made their way to the courtyard.

"I wish Mr Oum told us something about himself and not just being a prophet." Nora complained about a lack of information about the man they were going to be shadowing.

"But he made some good points Nora. We mustn't forget, a huntsmen's job is to the kingdoms and their people." Pyrrah reasoned with her ginger head teammate.

"Jaune. You seem to know Mr Oum quite well. Have you made contact with him before?" The silent shinobi asked the blond paladin.

"Yeah. I've met Monty before. He's one of Andi's colleagues. He would occasionally come by whenever he could to help train me. Although he was mostly my emotional support."

Ren and Pyrrah sweat dropped at the mention of him needing emotional support during Andito's training.

"No doubt you needed him everyday." Nora teased.

Jaune on the other hand, wasn't having any of it.

"Just for that, I'm adding another month to your pancake ban."

Nora paled as her eyes widened in horror.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" We zoom way out to see Remnant from space.

"Either that or you polish Aureum and Candidus Mors every night for the rest of the year. Up to you."

"I WILL!!! I'LL POLISH YOUR SWORD AND SHIELD FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE IF I HAVE TO!!! JUST PLEASE NOT MY PANCAKES!!!" Nora pleaded for him not to take away her favorite food for another month.

Thr rest of team JNPR began laughing at their resident ginger's antics.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY!!!" She exclaimed in betrayal and embarrassment.

After a few moments they stopped laughing. It was then Ren saw team RWBY walking towards a bullhead. And for one reason or another, Ruby was carrying a backpack.

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