A Word With RWBY

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Days have passed since the breach of Vale and things are starting to calm down a little. But fear and panic still lurk in the citizens hearts and minds. However that wouldn't stop a certain person from doing what he should've done a while back.

Andito Moratana, along side Monty Oum, were making their way through the halls of Beacon Academy. Looking for the first year dormitory.

Andi made some promises to a few girls there and he intended to keep them. He's a man of his word after all.

Unfortunately he and Monty's presence didn't go unnoticed as the students around him whispered to each other about never seeing him around.

"Who are those guys?"

"I don't know are they visitors?"

"Their like super hot."

"You think they're single?"

Andi let our a sigh. He's heard a lot of things about himsel, but hasn't had to deal with teenage gossip for a while. So in other words, he's overwhelmed.

"This is going nowhere. I'll just use moon tracker." Andito coincided in admitting he was lost and used a tracking spell to locate the first-year team of beauties.

After 10 more minutes of walking the two crossers found himself in front of RWBY's dorm room.

"Sigh. Well, here goes."

knock knock knock knock knock, knock knock

"Just a few minutes. We're kinda busy here!" The muffled voice of who he could remember as Ruby's said from the other side.

Andi on the other hand just grew a mischievous smirk.

"Okay. I guess I'll just have to find someone else to show off the 100,000 weapons I can control like magic and tell some other blond hotty everything I know about Raven Branwen." He said suggestively to the ones on the other side of the door.


Anyone who passed by would be able hear crashing, power tools and cat cries from inside.

"Was that necessary Andi?" Monty questioned his colleague.

"I won't tell her everything. Just what I promised." Andito assured him.

Monty could only nod in agreement.

After a few seconds, Ruby and Yang of team RWBY rushed out the door and stood in front of him looking a bit messy up and clothes disheveled.

"YOU REMEMBERED!!!" The sisters said in unison.

"Of course I did. I promised the two of you, didn't I?" He said while holding his hand out while giving them a soft smile and a wink.

The sisters immediately melted in the face of his debonair approach.

"Huuuuuhhhhhhh!" Ruby squeaked as she was as red as her cape while shaking.

Yang couldn't say anything as she was just as red as her sister and steam came off her face.

However his face became serious as he took the time to actually look at Ruby's face and how familiar it looked to him.

"Wait hold on. She has silver eyes? And her facial features. SUMMER?!!!" He thought as his eyes widen from his sudden revelation.

"Your face." He said aloud to Ruby.

This snapped her out of her embarrassment as she looked towards the Crosser.

"W-what about it?" She questioned.

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