New Challengers

885 19 26

Teams JNPR and BRNZ stared each other down as Professor Port gave the countdown.


Jaune activated his aura to be ready in a moment's notice.


He angled his sword and shield for a pristine cut.


Jaune let a smirk grow on his face.

"Come on guys!" He encouraged his teammates.


Jaune activated Ren before blitzing at the unprepared members of team BRNZ so fast they couldn't react. Their leader, Brawnz Ni was struck by an amplified gravity pulse boosted shield bash that sent him flying.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" He cried out as he flew.

He flew through several trees before slamming against the hard-light walls of the arena and sliding down like an insect caught on a windshield.

The crowd roared and laughed at the blonde paladin's insane feat of power and the painful misfortune of Brawnz Ni.

"Double whammy! Brawnz Ni is eliminated by knock out and aura level! Done in by one of my favorite students Jaune Arc, who has once again demonstrated how he's a cut above the rest compared to his peers! Still feel bad about the first guy he did that to." Professor Port commented.

"Tremendous physical might, an unorthodox fighting style, vast aura reserves and perhaps one of the most powerful and versatile semblances in the world. It's no mystery as to why he's called Saint Paladin." Oobleck followed with a mix of analysis and praise.

"THAT'S MY BOY!!!" Nicholas cheered for his son.

"GIVE EM HELL KID!!!" Andi followed.

"GO JAUNE!!!" Amber cheered for her big brother.

The remaining members of team BRNZ's minds snapped back to the fight. Roy Stallion and Nolan Porfirio tried to go for Jaune together while May Zedong retreated into the forest to find cover and provide long range attacks.

Nolan and Roy lunged at Jaune together. Nolan with an electric cattle prod and Roy with two saw blades gauntlets. Jaune either blocked or dodged the attacks but didn't do anything fancy.

Nolan tried attacking Jaune again but was intercepted by Nora. Who got in front of him and took an electric shock to her gut.

"It appears that another one of my favorite students, Nora Valkyrie is charging up to use her semblance!" Professor Port announced as he made a fist with his right hand.

"What?" Nolan said in confusion as he looked toward the giant holographic screen.

"Yes, Miss Valkyrie's semblance lets her produce as well as channel electrical energy straight to her muscles! Allowing her to jump explosively into the air, wield her mighty hammer, or in this case, absorb Nolan's attack and send the young man flying!" Doctor Oobleck explained Nora's semblance.

"What?!" Nolan panicked.

Nora stood tall as she flexed her body muscles as hints of pink electricity coursed through her.

Nolan took a few steps back and raised his hands up in surrender.

Jaune who stood not too far behind his teammates raised his arms as they began glowing with the bright gold of his semblance. At the same time, Nora started glowing pink as the electrical currents rushing through her body intensified.

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