Special Chapter: How Do They Work

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Somewhere in the seats of Amity Coliseum, Andito Moratana, Coeur Al'Aran and Monty Oum were sitting together with snacks and drinks while looking like they were talking about something.

"Andito, I've been meaning to ask, but how exactly do Jaune's weapons work like they do?" Coeur Al'Aran asked the leader of the Moratana Clan.

"I have an idea, but I would still like to hear the answer from you." Monty Oum inquiried.

Andito smiled as he chuckled.

"Of course, Mr Al'Aran, Mr Oum. Yes, Aureum Mors does work similarly to Weiss' Myrtenaster. Almost identical, but with a few key differences."

"Do tell." Monty said in interest.

"You see, the sides of Aureum Mors' guard have two slots, one on the end of each side. Like Myrtenaster, those slots are for vials that hold powdered dust. Except the ones used are bigger, more square like and are triangular at the bottom. If you're not looking carefully you could mistake them for dust crystals." He explained.

"How does the sword harness said dust?" Al'Aran brought up.

"You see, in the center of the guard, there's a rotating chamber. Again like Myrtenaster, only much smaller. By pushing a button just below it, the kid can spin the chamber and connect it to a port on top of each of the vials. In short, automatically switching from one dust type to the next. Useful since he only uses two types, those being fire and wind. And the button is on both sides of Aureum Mors so the mechanism can be used no matter how the kid holds it." Andito replied.

"It sounds powerful yet it's so simple. Interesting. But how is it able to be imbued with dust? I'm simply asking because Myrtenaster uses an exhaust port to fire dust or release it onto its blade, while Aureum Mors looks like dust natural comes from its own." Monty questioned.

"That's because dust's power travels through and is released from vents in the blade

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"That's because dust's power travels through and is released from vents in the blade." Andi answered.

"The blade?" Coeur questioned.

"Yes. Just below the surface of the blade, there are a dozen small channels that let dust flow its power through, along with tiny vents that let the element being used out. Giving it the impression that it's using dust imbuement. And by using the flying aura slash technique, the wielder can launch flying elemental slashes."

"I see. You designed it so that it would stay true to the old ways but still meet modern day range attack standards and keep it easy to use." Monty concluded.

"Not only that, you kept mecha-shift to a minimum and used a system that wouldn't drill too deep into the blade so it wouldn't lose so much structural integrity and keep it easy to maintain. Brilliant. But how do the vials stay in the guard when swung?" Al'Aran complimented before asking.

"Well you see, the sides of the guard can open up, but only slightly. Which makes it easier to replace or refill the vials. And when they close, they lock them in place." Andito answered.

"That was a good idea." Coeur said.

"I'll say. And you managed to do the same for the shield I take it?" Oum followed.

"Indeed I did, Lord Oum. I kept your successor's original concept design in mind, but added a few things of my own."

"Like what exactly?" Monty asked again.

"Like your brother Neath planned, the kid's shield can become part of the sword by combining with it and extending its sharpened edges. But because of the shape of this one, I had to get a bit creative."

"Creative how?" This time Al'Aran inquiried.

"When the shield combines with the sword, the part below the two sides of the cross extends forward, the edges of the bottom of the shield will extend further than that. Not to mention the sideway prongs will move inward to make it easier to swing, but also so it can still act like a sword and give the kid a little extra protection."

"An interesting idea, Lord Moratana." Monty complimented once again.

"I'm guessing you made the shield, Candidus Mors', mecha-shift minimal for the same reason as the sword, Aureum Mors?" Coeur asked.

"Yup." Andito quickly answered.

"Fascinating. Can I take a guess that only the edges of Candidus Mors are able to use dust while in extension mode?" Monty asked again.

"Correct." Andi answered.

"Makes sense. If both sides of Jaune's shield could release dust, he might accidentally blast himself or worst. If he were a Crosser like us it might have been funny. But since he isn't, it will most likely be very painful." Coeur joked.

All three Crossers shared a hearty laugh at the thought of Jaune either blasting himself away or setting himself on fire.


"ACHOO!!!" Jaune sneezed loudly.

"Bless you." Pyrrah excused him.

"Thanks Pyrrah." He replied as he let out a sniffle.

"I've heard that if you sneeze, then someone's probably talking about you." Ren brought up.

"Oh! Maybe Fearless Leader's got a secret fan club that's meeting up here somewhere!" Nora exclaimed as she scoped the area for any prying eyes.

Pyrrah's eye twitched dangerously at the thought as she followed Nora's lead. Glaring rather than scoping, causing anyone nearby to back away fearfully.

Jaune felt her hostility but was more confused than anything else.


"But in all seriousness, you actually gave Jaune two really good weapons. I'm impressed." Coeur complimented.

"Indeed. You're a natural when in comes to weapons." Monty followed.

Andi smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Thanks. I try my best. And that's not even mentioning a recent upgrade."

"You upgraded Jaune's weapons?" Monty questioned.

"Just his shield, and it's nothing too special." He answered.

"What kind of upgrade was it?" Coeur asked.

"That's for another time." Andito replied with a small smirk.

"What did you do?" Monty asked in disappointed expectancy.

"Easy now, I only gave Candidus Mors a minor upgrade. Nothing that can tip the scales of a war. Just something to make attacking with his shield a little easier for him." Andi replied with his hands raised in the air.

"Easier how?" Al'Aran questioned.

"Only time will tell." Andito vaguely answered.

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