Pieces and Players: Part 1

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After a few minutes of walking forward, Jaune and Pyrrah found themselves in front of a cave with weird drawings next to it.

"You think this is it?" Jaune asked Pyrrah for her opinion on the matter at hand.

"I'm not sure. Should we check it out?" Pyrrah responded with unease.


Jaune looked over the drawings on the walls. Only for a look of shock and horror to make it's way across his face.

"We have to get out of here. Now." He told her in a frantic manner.

"What why?" Pyrrah asked confused at what Jaune was worried about.

"Those drawings. They're telling anyone who sees them about a battle from who knows how long ago. But long story short, there might be a Deathstalker inside."

Pyrrah looked over the drawings herself. Fear and worry coming over her as she was now understanding what Jaune's telling her might be true.

"Let's get out of here!" She shouted in a panic.

"Shhhhhhh! You might lead it to us! And that's the last thing we want right now!" Jaune whispered yelled at his redhead Amazonian partner.

"I can take a Deathstalker by myself. But I'm not so sure about you though."

They quietly walked away from the cave to make as little noise as possible and hopefully go undetected from earlier. But unfortunately for them...

...luck wasn't on their side this time.

There was rumbling, and the cave burst open. With a loud hissing roar, the Deathstalker Jaune mentioned earlier stood before them. It was big, like really big. And according to it's size and the patches of plants growing on it's exoskeleton. There was no doubt, it was an elder Deathstalker. One of the more dangerous types of Grimm recorded so far.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Jaune screamed like girl. Not because he was scared of dying, but because it's horrifying face was right up in his face and the image was burned into his mind so it can haunt his nightmares later.

Pyrrah looked at Jaune in nothing but shock as she just heard him scream like girl. Jaune noticed and quickly made up an excuse.

"I wasn't scared!!! Just really caught off guard! It was just a guess but looks like I was right. I guess joining Andi on his archaeological adventures wasn't a waste after all." Jaune said reminiscing on his teacher's hobby in archaeology.

"Can you tell me if we make it out of this alive!"

"Yeah sure thing."

They both got into fighting positions and charged at the Deathstalker. Pyrrah shot at it's eyes, but used it's enormous claws to shield itself. However, Jaune was running up to it with his shield up as the Deathstalker lunged it's stinger at him. But he leaped over it and latched on to it's tail to try and cut it off. But he was having trouble holding on with how much the Deathstalker kept moving.

It seemed to have had enough and used it's tail as a catapult and sent poor Jaune flying in the distance.


"Oh no. Jaune!" Pyrrah said worried about his safety.

Jaune flew through the air like a human cannonball. Screaming his lungs out as he did so. But stopped screaming when he hit his new friend Ruby midair and kept flying forward. But finally stopping when he hit a tree.

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