Dancers and Diamonds, Part 1

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Viro and Dancer launched themselves at each other as their blades collided mid-air. Creating a shockwave as they did so.

"I'M GONNA BEAT THE LIVING HELL OUT OF THIS GUY!!!" They both exclaimed simultaneously in their minds.


Viro took out Egosit and prepared to fire an arrow. As he did, he didn't aim it towards Dancer, but up to the sky. Once it reached the top, there was a bright flash of light-blue light as several crystals formed above and fell rapidly like rain. Down on to Dancer and his teammates.

"SCATTER!!!" He ordered to his team.

The rest of team JADE obeyed without question as they ran to find cover.

"Spread out and pick them off one by one! If we stick together we'll be too vulnerable!" Dancer followed up with another order.

"Got it, captain!" His teammates replied as they each moved into one of the four areas.

"Quill! Serenity! Instra! Go after them! I'll stay here and deal with itsy bitsy!" Viro ordered his teammates.

"Right!" They answered as they ran forward before splitting up to go after their selected targets.

"Oh ho. It appears that team VTRI has decided to go with the divide and conquer strategy." Professor Port announced.

"Team JADE may be renowned for their teamwork. But team VTRI may be in for a nasty surprise down the line." Oobleck followed.


Quill and Serenity went after Dayton and Alex in the windy salt flats while Instra went after Edd in the snowy tundra. All while Viro and Dancer stayed in the center of the arena.

The windy salt flats lived up to it's name. The winds were so strong they were picking up dust and caused a dust storm. Not exactly the ideal conditions for someone who relies on flight. Unfortunately that was the case for Quill Talon.

The teenage faunus was struggling to get a grip. The wind blowing violently against his body and feathers as dust clouded his vision.

"Damn it! I can barely see anything!" Quill exclaimed annoyed by his current predicament.

"Try to stay calm Quill. We can't do much of anything if we don't think things through." Serenity said calmly as she opened her weapon to shield herself from the dust storm.

Serenity's weapon of choice is a silver and white golf umbrella with a sharp pointed tip called Argent Regen.

"Right." Quill agreed with his female teammate.

The two stood back to back, ready to defend themselves against any attack thrown at them.

They saw a shadow move in the dust storm. Putting them on high alert.

The shadow moved as a man jumped at them. Revealing that it was Dayton Callahan as he swung his twin short swords; Leonidas and Alexander, in for a pinsir attack on Quill.

Quill reacted quickly and used his semblance: Raging Quills, to harden his feathers and block the attack. His feathers glowing dark red as a result of it being activated.

"Sneak attack by Dayton Callahan! Some may call it cowardly, I call it good thinking!" Port announced.

"Huntsmen are expected to do their jobs as quickly and as efficiently as possible. So if an underhanded attack can guarantee success, so be it." Oobleck announced as he pushed his glasses up.

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