The Shining Beacon, Part 1

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Jaune was on board the airship and on his way to Beacon Academy. The ride was gonna be long, but would be worth it. It helps that Andi gave him motion sickness pills beforehand, making sure that he didn't throw up the whole way.

After 5 hours of nausea and almost throwing up, Jaune finally made it to Beacon. After catching his breath and getting his footing, he took in the sight of the place. The place looked more like a castle than a school. Almost like something out of a fairytale. He then noticed a two girls. One with blonde hair and impressive assets, and the second being relatively short and seemingly fangirling over the other student's weapons.

Then the blonde left her short friend behind to be with her friends. The girl spun and crashed into a white haired girl's luggage. Earning her an earful.

"Where have I seen that girl before?"

Just as he was going to intervene, the girl sneezed, causing an explosion in the middle of the courtyard. The white haired girl left leaving the girl alone in the courtyard.

The girl fell on her knees and laid down on her back.

"Welcome to Beacon."

Then Jaune decided to do something. He walked over to her and held his hand to help her up.

"Hey. I'm Jaune."

The girl looked at him and then took his hand.

"Ruby." She answered getting back up with Jaune's help.

"Aren't you the guy who was almost gonna throw up on the ship?"

The two then walked around campus talking to one another.

"Look all I'm saying is that motion sickness is a more common problem than people let on!"

"Sorry. But groaning boy was the first thing that came to mind."

"Oh yeah! What if I called you crater face!" Jaune retorted feeling offended at what his new friend called him.

"Hey! That explosion was an accident!" Ruby retorted back, trying to defend herself.

"Well the name's Jaune Arc. Short. Sweet. Rolls of the tongue. Don't you forget it."

"Sure I won't" Ruby replied, letting out a giggle. "So, I've got this thing." She then pulled out her weapon, surprising Jaune.

"Woah! Is that a scythe?"

"It's also a customizable high impact sniper rifle."

"It's a gun too?! That's pretty cool," Jaune said complementing Ruby's weapon of choice. "Does it have a name?"

"Yup. Crescent Rose. My sweetheart." Ruby said while cuddling with it. "So, what have you've got?!"

"I've got these." Jaune responded by pulling out his Aureum and Candidus Mors.


"The sword's name is Aureum Mors and the shield's is Candidus Mors. A great offensive and a great defense."

"Cool. So what do they do?" Ruby asked curious if they did anything special. Only making Jaune smirk. Him deciding to show off a little like his master liked to do. Not out of arrogance, but because he wanted to looked cool.

"Hmm, this." Jaune deactivated Candidus Mors and pulled a small trigger that activated the barrel on Aureum Mors, changing it into it's fire dust mode.

Then Jaune proceeded to launch a few flying fire slashes and flame infused slashes and then cut down a nearby rock in a single swing easily.

Ruby was looking at the sword with sparkles in her eyes.


"That's not all." Jaune then proceeded to switch Aureum Mors into wind dust mode. Unleashing flying wind slashes and creating a slash tornado around Ruby and himself. Then launching a thrust that let out a wind blast that sent some nearby pebbles flying and let out a sonic boom.

Ruby now having starry eyes instead of sparkle eyes.


"And finally." Jaune threw Aureum Mors, impaling it into a wall. Then reaching for it, activating the gravity dust below it's guard. Causing it to fly back to him and into his hand just like how Andi uses his semblance.

Ruby started squealing at the display she was witnessing.

Jaune then sheathing Aureum Mors and reactivating Candidus Mors.

"Now for the shield."

Jaune then activated his semblance and flowed his amped aura into the shield. He then fell to the ground with his shield in front of him hitting the ground first. He activated the gravity dust function, and launched himself almost 200 feet into the air.

As he fell, he flipped and activated the hard-light dust function. Creating a makeshift glider/parachute, landing down safely, but using gravity dust without his semblance enhancing it to break his fall. This only making Ruby squeal louder.

"And to finish it off!"

He then pushed a hidden button on Candidus Mors that combined the two weapons into a large great sword the size of Harbinger.

"The two combine to make; Divinus Mors!" He exclaimed as he kept showing them/it off.

He used Candidus Mors' hard-light dust in blade form to extend the blade, making Divinus Mors bigger than before. Then activated Aureum Mors' fire dust to flow through the extension, making the hard-light dust hotter and hotter. Eventually looking like a giant plasma blade. He swung it around a few times then using his semblance to enhance it. Making it bigger and bigger until it looked like it could cut down a full sized bullhead in a single slash."

"So. How was that?" Jaune said turning off the dust of his weapons and turning them back while having a cocky grin on his face. But that soon disappeared after seeing Ruby's.

She was practically glowing with even bigger and brighter stars in her eyes and was drooling uncontrollably.

"A DUST SWORD AND A DUST SHIELD THAT CAN TURN INTO A SUPER DUST SWORD?!!! Howdotheywork? Whataretheymadeof?  Howstrongaretheyexcatly? Wheredidyoulearntodoallofthat?" Ruby yelled in excitement and then questioning in rapid succession.

"Woah woah woah. Ruby calm down."

"Oh, hehe. Sorry. I'm kind of dork when it comes to weapons. I guess I did go a little overboard in designing mine." She said sounding a little embarrassed.

The last part surprised Jaune.

"Wait. You made that yourself?"

"Of course. All students at Signal forge their own weapons. Didn't you make yours?"

"Not exactly. They're actually based on a hand me down weapon. My great-great-grandfather used them to fight in the war. But then my teacher showed me how and with his help, I made upgraded versions of them. Now they look cool and can do all these amazing things."

"Sound more like family heirlooms to me. But I like them. Not many people have an appreciation for the classics these days."

"I wouldn't exactly call them classics. But thanks."

"So why'd you help me out back there? In the courtyard."

"Eh why not. My mom always says strangers are just friends you haven't met yet."

"Hmm. Hey where are we going?"

"I don't know. I was following you. Do you think there might be a directory? Or maybe a food court? Or some sort of recognizable landmark?"

His questions only made Ruby hold in a laugh.

" that a no?"

Ruby couldn't contain herself anymore and started laughing a little.

"It's a no."

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