Best Day Ever

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Things were going peacefully in the kingdom of Vale. People were walking along and others were setting up for the Vytal Festival. One shopkeeper in particular was just putting up a sign over his newly rebuilt dust shop From Dust Till Dawn. As he was climbing down his ladder, he fell. Fortunately he wasn't hurt.

"Excuse me. Sorry. I'm not really from around here." A mint green haired girl with dark skin and red eyes with an impressive figure stood in front of the elderly man with her hand out, offering to help him up.

"Um. Would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?" She asked kindly. To which the shopkeeper nodded with a hum and smile.

As she walked off waving to him as thanks, she walked by an alley where a young man with grey hair and eyes with a grey jacket shirt who had his arms crossed, leaning against the wall.

"I knew you were lost." He spoke up to the girl.

"Mercury. I will seriously pay you to shut up." She said to him while waving the old man's wallet she stole in front of him.

"That's not your money."

"But it could be yours for five minutes of silence."

"Mmmm. No deal."

"Hmn. Fine." She gave up, throwing the wallet aside before walking away.

"Whatever. You want me. Haha." Mercury said catching up with her.

Life in the city was going normal for everyone. People walking up and down the sidewalk. Cars going to and from places. And others talking about random things that none of us care enough about to listen to.

"So how much farther?" Mercury complained.

"A few blocks." The girl answered.

"Ugh this place is so dull!" Mercury complained again.

"Meh. I kinda like it. Tall buildings, diverse culture." She replied.

"And nice dopey people who are easy to pick pocket." Mercury retorted.

"That's every city." She said placing her hands on her hips.

"Oh Emerald. Master thief. Please don't take money. I barely have enough to get by." Mercury said dramatically. Earning a scowl from the girl now known as Emerald. Who stormed off away from him.

"Exhale. You're no fun today." He said catching up to her.

Before Emerald could go too far. A young boy accidentally bumped into her.

The small child looked around 6 or 7 years old. He wore a red sweater with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a white t-shirt underneath the sweater, brown cargo shorts, white socks, and red sneakers. He had brown, middle length, semi-curly hair and gold eyes with a bandage on his left cheek.

"Oh I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Emerald tended to the boy with fake concern on her face.

"I'm okay. Sorry pretty lady." The boy innocently replied smiling.

"That's a relief. Make sure to be careful. The streets can be dangerous if you aren't." She assured the boy.

"I will. My names Aruto. What about you miss."

Emerald pondered for a few seconds before responding.

"My name's Emerald. Now be on your way Aruto."

"Yes ma'am." He saluted before running off down the street in the direction of From Dust Till Dawn.

"Didn't know you liked kids." Mercury teased.

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