Author Note!

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Hello to all my current readers and any new ones that so happen to drop by.

I know, boring Authors Note, but just need to get the important stuff out the way so you know what to expect.

Now as most of you will be aware, Zack's characters came from my book End Game and popped up in Ivy's book, so yeah you may already have an opinion on him... Don't let that put you off!  

Also, past characters from other books will pop up too. I can't help myself inserting Ivy wherever I can!

Again this is a MMF book. So therefore, there will be sexual scenes between two men as well as two men & one woman. It's important you are comfortable with that as its never my intent to upset or cause distress. If not your cup of tea... Hit That Back Button, right now sweetie because this book will contain adult content. (Also please, its for 18+ because if you read any of my other works, as well as descriptive scenes, my characters swear...a lot, potty mouths to be exact!)

And yeah,  Zack owns Kink clubs, so obvs, Kink is gonna feature heavily in this book.  If that's not your thing... run away now!  Go...go...go...

And if you have read my other books and thoughts... wow, way to many sex scenes?  Then yeah, this one is most likely going to top those - C'mon its a kink club, and it's all is wrapped up in that pretty 'sex' bow.  These characters are gonna spend a lot of time naked. So don't say you haven't been warned! 

Note: I will try to update weekly, but when life gets in the way it may slip to two weeks.  BUT as always updates are always on a Wednesday. Not sure why I picked a Wednesday, I think because mine were always quite boring.

Phew... Now if none of what I've said so far has freaked you out, then please continue onwards and hopefully you will enjoy. I would, as always love to hear your thoughts and welcome any grammar pointers, although yeah, I'm shitty at replying to comments, but in my free time, I tend to write as much as I can, so I can stick to my weekly posts.  So my apologies, but I do read each and every one!

And a reminder, although I'm not sure why I bother, because I've figured out you're either a reader that votes or you don't... but please think on this.  Most of us on here, just want to entertain, drag you from your lives and spend our free time in hope that you will enjoy what we've written - FOR FREE, mostly!   So know this - Leaving comments inspires and motivates us, well, it does me anyway, tells me I'd doing something right.

Right, enough of me waffling, Enjoy.

Chrissy xx

Chrissy xx

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