Chapter 41

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☼  Sasha  ☼

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My eyes tracked Ellis walking into my bathroom through the mirror's reflection. My heart skipped as his beautiful half-naked form moved to stand directly behind me.

My blood heated and a fire kindled between my legs.


He was deliciously edible in the fuckable sense.

"Nu toothbrus therrre," I garbled the words and then spat out.


"I said, you can find a new toothbrush under there." Pointing down to the cupboard under the vanity sink where I was brushing my teeth.

"Nah," he answered with a half grin. "It can wait."

I rinsed and spat out again and then reached for the towel and dried my mouth "You have to brush your teeth, Ellis."

"What if I don't want to? I can still taste you on my tongue, I like it," he said matter of factly.

That was hot and slightly disturbing and I laughed as his slightly crooked smile beamed in the reflection.

I flipped around. 

Damp skin. Slightly crumpled slacks and blond hair plastered to his handsome face...If only I didn't have to sneak him out of the house before my Dad got up.

I pulled a face. "Ewe, clean your teeth or you can forget me ever kissing you again!"

He laughed and then before I could protest his mouth landed on mine with his tongue wasting no time sweeping inside.

Oh. Ooh. 

He tasted minty... I pulled my head back and my thumb swiped across his bottom lip. "You're lying. You brushed already."

His fingers teased the edge of the towel I had wrapped around me. "Yeah," he hitched a shoulder. "I used yours whilst you showered for the second time." He wiggled my thick brows at me.  

It was his fault I needed another shower.

But the toothbrush thing—sharing. Ewe, that was a big no-no. "Don't. In future use a new one or fetch one from your place."

He smiled. "Future—as in I'll be staying over often?"

Yeah. As soon as my Dad had fixed whatever this stupid thing with Jarrod and my mother was. "Uh-huh."

"I like that."

I pressed both hands onto his bare chest letting my fingers enjoy the feel of him. I liked touching him. Twice more during the night, he had woken me, taking me with opposing gentleness and urgency. By the time the sun was rising—I woke with an ache between my legs and every muscle in my body reminding me of the sexual marathon during the night, coupled with a feeling of contentment that left me peaceful for the first time in weeks.

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