Chapter 25

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††   Ellis  ††

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††   Ellis  ††

Extracting my fingers from Sasha's ass, I glanced up to watch her chest heave under the weight of her climax.

Christ. I didn't think I'd ever seen her look more gorgeous. Spaced out, red-cheeked and open-mouthed with her dark hair all messed up and hanging loose.

My eyes wandered up to lock with his.

Zack's lazy smirk and hooded eyes sent my heart into an absolute frenzy in my chest. Damn, why did the man sometimes have me wishing I swung both ways?

You sucked cock, asshole. I think it's safe to say you swing both ways.

Ah, the sheer delight of my own thoughts—because who doesn't love a daily dose of sarcastic commentary from the peanut gallery inside my brain?  I tried to wrangle my nutty thoughts but maybe it was just easier to give in to whatever the fuck this was between us?

Because what happened here, this morning. A part of me didn't give a fuck he was a man with a dick. A big dick, but that's beside the point. And I didn't care that I loved pussy. This man was in my head and weirdly I didn't hate it.

"It's not over yet, dirty girl. Now you get to watch."


Watch me be tied up and flogged?  Or...Fucking.  Us fucking.  Me and him. 

My ass clenched and maybe it's messed up because a part of me wanted it. Yet still,  I tried to keep any emotion from showing his words affected me.

"What do you think, Ellis?"

I knew he was trying to goad me. But here I was, toeing the line at the edge of that rabbit hole. Do I leap, hoping for Wonderland, or just send a postcard from the edge?

"That all depends—"  I said, waiting for his expression to change. It didn't.  "—On what you want her to watch."

He never answered but lifted himself and Sasha from the chair with me pushing back to get out of his way as he walked to the bed and gently lay her down, then dipped and from under the bed he pulled out some wipes and gently cleaned her face and passed her another so she could blow her nose. "Do you need anything, Sasha? Water, anything to eat? Some cream to help with the sting?"

She shook her head and reached for his hand and squeezed it. "I'm good Zack. Better than good and I like the sting."

How she handled that flogging was a mystery worthy of a Sherlock Holmes case. Her pain tolerance? Oh, it ventured into a territory so distant from mine that you'd need a telescope to catch a glimpse. Put me in her spot, and you'd witness a sob session to rival any drama queen.

Erotic pain? I could roll with that, but the extreme stuff she wanted? Nah, I'll pass faster than a cat dodging a bath.

"Are you absolutely certain?" he pressed her once more.

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