Chapter 4

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††  Ellis Jenson  ††

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††  Ellis Jenson  ††

 "You okay man?" asked Vincent, passing me a lit joint as we cruised in his pimped-up fancy European car.  Give me a Mustang or Corvette any day over this soulless piece of shit.

"Yeah," I answered, staring aimlessly out the passenger window, slipping the joint between my lips and taking a drag. Vincent grunted something else and then went back to talking shit to Brent, who was in the back seat rolling another joint.

Blowing out smoke, a smile kicked up the corner of my mouth. I was okay. Better than okay. I was finally free.

I'd walked across that stage and accepted my diploma. The excitement of the day had already gone by that point, having to wait hours in the blistering sun for a quick handshake, fake smile and a scrap of paper worth, jack-shit.

I'd surprised everyone by graduating. I didn't study, care about grades or my major, but then again, I didn't have to. It wasn't like I had a scholarship to stress over. The bank of mom and dad had funded my pointless attempt at a college education. It had shocked them that I'd not washed out after the first semester.

Who they should thank was my roommate, Kevin McClusky, who was my opposite and yeah, who would do anything for the right price. Some may call it cheating. Me? Nah. I liked to think I'd helped Kevin reduce his student debt.

But in graduating, I hoped it might get my dad off my back for a few months at least—give me some down time and enjoy the summer. But some might argue the last four years had been down time. Being my personal major had equated to figuring out how much alcohol and weed I could handle.

Turned out—quite a lot. However, I'd set the bar quite low, only requiring me to be still breathing and able to get my dick up.  Check and fucking check!

My phone buzzed. It was a message from my dad. Knew it was too good to be true. At dinner I had spotted something twinkling behind his eyes, a smugness of some sort. I should have clocked something was off. That, and he never flinched when I mentioned the post-grad party. 

My dad was twisted like that. He'd lull you in a false sense of calm and then bang—fuck you over.

His message simply read: Home by midnight.

Fucking hell.

Now, don't get me wrong. I Loved my dad. Loved all my family, despite their flaws. However, if he expected me home, he was gonna be disappointed because tonight, I didn't have a single fuck to give.

"We're here," said Brent, already opening the door before the car had pulled to a stop.

Jessica Bents hosted tonight's post-graduation party. She was a spoiled little princess, but I'd give her this—she knew how to throw a party.  Out the car, Vince tossed his keys over to a young guy who was tonights valet service.

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