Chapter 26.

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

Locking myself in the small bathroom of my jet I unclipped my cuffs and rolled up my sleeves and ran some cool water.  Just like earlier, when I'd felt a sudden, life-altering shift within me sending palpitations rattling through my chest. I was sweaty, hot, exposed, thoroughly out of my comfort zone and hated every second of it.

And it had fuck-all to do with being 37,000 feet in the air. 

Jesus pissing Christ.

My sanity hadn't stood a chance against the two of them.

Why did I think it would?  

And it was all my fault, dragging them to Amsterdam.

The splash of cold water did little to bring me to my senses. Or help the constant turmoil—the back and to fighting with myself, pulling me in different directions.

What the fuck are you doing, Zack? 

Ignoring the fact that I'd flogged my best-friends daughter... until she sobbed, I had also crossed that line and fucked her. 

Could I claim temporary insanity?  Under the influence of Sasha's reverent fucking gaze. Staring at me like I was the god of fucking everything. Her quiet confidence with her eagerness to please. It had been written all over her face, especially in those fucking blue eyes. Begging me. Don't be gentle. Hurt me.

And if that wasn't bad enough. Ellis.

I splashed another round of cold water as it sparked a memory. A memory that had no right to be there. The awkward discomfort of inexperienced youth. Nathaniel pleading to make it all go back to the way it was...

I blinked it away.

Why was I suddenly faced with a sense of nagging guilt? Ellis was clearly into it; he never said no, and it was completely consensual. It was part of the scene.

We fucked. So what?

Because you fucking know he's confused about his sexuality, asshole.

And yeah, he's not the first straight guy I'd fucked—not even close. Just the first one with whom I had a relationship with his father. A friend. A damn good friend.

Congratulations, asshole. Gold star for tossing out every rule I'd ever set for myself. I guess consistency was overrated, and who needs a well-ordered life anyway?

Me. I needed it.

It was there for a reason... However, the both of them were the fucking fruit of Eden. And I was eating my way through the whole apple tree.

A part of me knew this would happen.

Lifting my head, droplets of water ran down my face.  Fuck no-one you know, and know no-one you fuck. I reminded myself.

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