Chapter 28

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††  Ellis  ††

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†† Ellis ††

I dropped my towel and those keen blues devoured me whole. It stroked my ego that she didn't hide the fact she liked what she saw as her tongue sneaked out to wet her lips.

She held out the tumbler and I swiped it from her hand and sent the scotch on a rollercoaster ride down my throat. It slipped down smoother than a politician's promises, leaving a trail of warmth and questionable life choices in its wake.

Focusing my attention where it was needed, on Sasha, I asked, "Why the intense stare, Duchess. See something you want?" My voice was slightly hoarser than before.

Her eyelashes fluttered innocently. "Am I?"

Oh, the game was on.

"Yeah, you are. That look screams you're hungry." My dick twitched.

She grinned. " that you mention it..."

My cock went from half hard to fully hard and Sasha noticed biting down on her lip. "Didn't you message me something about dinner?" I'd caught a whiff of something good earlier.

"Yes," she sighed, clearly a little frustrated that I wasn't playing the game her way. "It's ready if you want me to dish up now... Sir?"

We would get to that.  First up, let's have a little fun. Warm that pussy up for what I had planned later.

She had turned ready to leave.


She paused in the doorway but didn't look back.

"You really think I'm going to let you leave?" I said, coming to a stop behind her, but making sure I didn't touch her, yet.  "Hmm?"  She was about turn around but I leaned in and stopped her and she sucked in sharply as my open mouth kiss brushed just below her ear. "You're not going anywhere."

Her response was barely audible, "I... but I thought you were hungry?"

"Hmm, I am hungry, but we haven't dealt with your punishment, have we?"

Another sharp inhale followed when I curled my hand around her neck, holding firmly as I pulled her back against me rubbing my cock on her denim-covered ass.

"Tell me. Did you come when you touched yourself?"

She didn't answer.

I spun her around, and pinned her between my bigger body and the doorjamb. Her jaw went slack, her eyes glazing over.

Yeah, this was what she'd been waiting for.

Sasha needed me to take control because that was what she craved. I'd noticed our interactions were getting hotter, as though she kept wanting to push the boundaries and Amsterdam had blown that wide open. I wasn't Zack, but I was a quick study.

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