Chapter 21

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

Alone once again. Not only was my mind restless, but so was my body, a layer of chaos coating everything making me feel out of sorts and if I didn't know better I would've thought it was stress-induced.

I wasn't stressed. I was confused and slightly angry.

This was because of them. The two of them. 

Closing the door to my study my eyes wandered to the leather sofa where Ellis had slept. Yesterday, I wasn't sure if I'd gone too far with overloading his brain especially with him already dealing with his sexual crisis.

But when my lips had hovered over his, the need to press my mouth against his had been almost too irresistible to resist and it had taken every ounce of willpower to pull back.

I honestly wasn't sure how much longer I could keep shit-talking myself into believing I didn't want more or at least buy myself more time.

With a frustrated grunt, I walked to my desk and took a seat in the high-backed leather chair. Opening my drawer, I dipped inside and pulled out my laptop.

Logging in I skimmed my emails, ensuring there wasn't anything urgent that needed my attention. I found a couple of updates from James and Ivy, but nothing that required any action. There was another from my newly appointed manager, Jane Allard, in France. The official open date for our new club in Paris was about to go live and she was updating me on the status of this week's upcoming schedule.

Again though, nothing pressing and I would be there tomorrow anyway.

On any other day, I would've got a kick in addressing those messages, responding with actions and questions. That wasn't the case this morning. I found I could hardly focus on anything other than Ellis and Sasha and how good yesterday had been, both on the plane ride over and the club scene as well as the time spent in my private room here.

As well as uncharted feelings, both of them were really fucking with my head.

Not necessarily in a bad way, just a fact that I wasn't completely comfortable with.

Sasha, the vision she was, had me thinking thoughts that had no right to be there. Each turn she gave me pause for thought. I enjoyed the feel of her against me and how good she smelled with my soap on her skin. Not to mention she had taken her spanking beautifully and then came apart on my fingers in front of strangers. And Ellis. His attempts at submitting to me and how utterly fucking delicious he'd looked handcuffed to my bed. It hadn't been my intention to have his cock in my mouth. But the taste of Sasha on him had all but blown any common sense and I'd let him come down my throat.

There were other things too, just as equally confusing. Like, it was nice having them around; sharing my space.  It didn't feel like an invasion of my privacy. Getting to know them and watching them interact was oddly interesting.

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