Chapter 23

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☼ Sasha ☼

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The tension in Zack's body was a living, breathing thing as he lay naked on his bed, yanking against his restraints.

Yeah, you heard me right.  Zack was currently tied up or to be precise, cuffed to his bed.


Well, this was showing Zack, I might be submissive, but I wasn't a pushover. 

Ellis had his way of dealing—lashing out, but me, I was more subtle.

Zack's thick, dark eyebrows slanted inward, and if glares were lasers, I'd be one crispy critter right now. "You said you accepted my apology." His tone shifted into an icy demeanour, reaching a degree of frostiness that could give the North Pole a run for its money. "I even agreed to this!" He tugged again on the cuffs.

I was still wrapping my head around he played along and let me cuff him to the bed.

And yes, his apology had been sincere and yes I trusted his word, but... I just needed this one thing from him.

Well, that one thing... and his heart.

Zack already had his VIP section in my heart, but surprise, surprise—Ellis had a backstage pass, squeezing in like an uninvited concert crasher.

Which trust me, had been a surprise for me too. 

But there it was.  Fact.  Both of them had showed me what was missing in my life. And subbing was a better high than any drug and many times more addictive. It was like flying without any fear of the fall. At least not any fear until reality slapped me in the face reminding me that I might have to go back to my boring vanilla way of life at the end of summer. And by that time it would be too late to take back the parts of myself I'd already given away.

So I had to come up with a plan and fast.

Trouble was, I was dealing with two stubborn men. I wasn't afraid of going after what I wanted, and while success in any venture was never a sure thing, I wasn't giving up until both men could see it too.  Spoiler alert. I had a sneaking suspicion it was happening already.

"Sasha." This time he said my name like a four-letter word.

I found myself ogling him once again. The man was exquisite, there was no doubt about that. Sinfully ripped, a delectable combination of muscle, sinew, and all that smooth tanned skin. His chest muscles flexed, his abs bunching almost like...

Deep breaths.

Even tied to the bed he dominated the space and I knew it was time to get out of there before my libido got up front and centre and my ability to think a rational thought went 'poof'.  "Don't move. I'll be back..."

"You are not fucking leave me here—like this!?"

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I bit back a giggle as my shoulders lifted to hug my ears and I closed the bedroom door behind me.

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