Chapter 30

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††  Ellis  ††

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††  Ellis  ††

Standing outside Risk, wearing yesterday's clothes, I shoved my hands into my pockets and stared up at the imposing building.

I hadn't returned last night. Instead, I wandered for hours and at four am I ended up in some diner or cafeteria they called it here, close by.

Going back now wasn't a choice, but a necessity. My belongings, including my passport, were inside. Couldn't make it back home without it. Although, I hadn't decided if I was going home, yet.  And with a resigned sigh, I approached the staff entrance and punched in the code, letting myself in.

I'd barely stepped into the elevator before I heard James's voice.

"What time do you call this?" he barked, and shutting my eyes briefly, I slowly turned. 

He'd picked the wrong day to mess with me. "Fuck off, James."

"W-w-hat!?" he spluttered. "How—"

"You heard." I cut in. "But just in case you're deaf as well as fucking dumb, I said FUCK. OFF!"

"That's it. I'm done! You're coming with me to see Zack. Right now!"

My stomach clenched. "Zack's back?"


Sasha must have called him. Grumbling to myself. Of course, she did.

Fuck, I needed a drink. Lately, I found the appeal of drinking helped block out shit. Probably not the best coping strategy, but meh, fuck it. Who cared, right?

James stepped into the elevator with me and pressed the button. "You can forget it if you think I'm coming with you to see Zack."

Arrogant prick wasn't having any of it. "You have no choice."

Actually, I did. "That's where you're wrong. I can do whatever the fuck I like."

He huffed. "Oh, why? Because you're one of his—"

Before I blinked I turned and my hand shot out, gripping James by the collar and slamming him against the wall of the elevator.  The sudden movement caught him off guard, his eyes widened in shock and my grip around his throat tightened. 

"I am not one of his boys" I growled, my voice low and dangerous and no doubt he could see my serious expression. "Go on. Say it again. I fucking dare you!"

James tried to shake his head, his eyes wide with fear as his mouth clamped shut.

"Didn't think so." I released him and stepped back. The elevator opened, and neither of us moved.  But then it hit me. Why put it off?  I should just get it over and done with.

Turning toward James, who was still pressed flat against the wall rubbing his throat, I said, "You're right. I should go see Zack." I smiled. "After you."

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