Chapter 6

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

The past three days coupled with lack of sleep was weighing heavy on my mind.

Sasha was still in London. Apparently, my cold, heartless dismissal had done little to deter her, and last night she'd messaged me. It read: If you won't. I will find someone that will.

A cold feeling settled in my gut, gripping my phone so tight it almost snapped.

That would have earned a sub of mine a spanking for such a challenge. Brat.

However, Sasha wasn't mine. Couldn't be mine.

So with a frustrated exhale, I rang her driver, Mr Davies who agreed to contact me should she get herself into any trouble.

I couldn't give her what she wanted, but I also realised it was unfair to stop her exploring her submissive nature. So although I felt homicidal and possessive beyond all rational reason at the thought of someone else having their hands on her, I shoved my feelings down. Deep fucking down with all the other things best left alone.

Onto my next headache which was self-inflicted.  

Why the fuck did I think it would be okay to let Max's son stay in my apartment?

What the hell had I been thinking?

I seriously had to question my state of mind.  True, in my defence, I still had it in my head he was a kid-a teenager.  Ellis Jenson was anything but a kid. Six feet of perfection greeted me. With his dirty blond hair just long enough to look soft, but short enough not to distract from his sharp features. Blue eyes like gas flames with a touch of green. Smooth, tanned skin and a hint of stubble on his jaw and thick muscles under his grey washed out tee-shirt with its slogan aptly telling me to fuck-right-off.  But the winner was those dark jeans that showcased his impressive ass.

To say I was unprepared for him was an understatement, and my inner shit hit the fan.

And when he smiled. Fuck me, it was like he was holding my balls in his hand. And I couldn't ignore the draw of him as he shook his hand. Eyes wide, both eager and a little afraid, shy one second and then cocky the next.

A brat. A wildcard.

Temptation that's what he fucking was.

It didn't matter what he was, he was Max's son... and straight.

Leaning back into my chair with a groan. Putting aside that he was straight, it didn't stop something stirring or the strange heat in the pit of my stomach, flaming something I hadn't felt for a long time—or not allowed myself to feel.

There was something else there too. Ellis Jenson was all bluster but beneath all that beat a submissive heart. I'd bet my left ball on it... and it only made shit more complicated.

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