Chapter 35

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††  Ellis  ††

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†† Ellis ††

I followed Jason outside not paying attention until he came to a stop and I almost walked into the back of him. "This is mine," he said.

I stepped back, one step...two.  Wow. Nice ride. 

Honestly,  I expected a pimped-up truck or a fancy foreign model. But nope. It was a classic. The Classic. A Chevy Impala no less, and my respect for him went up a notch.

"What?" He arched a brow. "Let me guess, you expected something shiny and new?" He smirked, slipping into the driver's seat. "Am I right?"

I shook my head, opened the passenger side door and slipped into the seat trying to act cool. "Didn't think anything at all," I lied which made him chuckle.  "Fuck," I said when the engine started purring and my face almost split in two. "Okay, yeah. I'm officially in love."

Jason's hand curled around the wheel with a possessive grip, while the other casually rested on the gearshift as he hummed affectionately. "Gets you hard, doesn't it?" He looked over at me. "This will be the smoothest ride of your life."

His tone hinted at something else and I shot him a sideways glance. Or was I just reading too much into it? Like I did earlier with the line, I'm taking you home.

As we cruised through the familiar streets, I couldn't help but sense a weird shift in the space between us. The silence became louder and the closer we got to my apartment the heavier the weirdness became. I tried to relax by keeping my gaze fixed outside on the passing scenery until it felt so heavy that I wanted out of the car and with a quick exhale, I decided to take a chance, hoping to avoid any further awkwardness.

"Hey, Jason, actually, could you drop me off here?" I gestured towards a bustling strip minutes from where I lived. "It's just a short walk from here to my place and I could do with stretching my legs."

To my relief, the car slowed and he looked outside and then simply nodding he pulled over to the curb. As I stepped out of the car, I offered him a grateful smile and muttered my thanks for the ride and shut the door quickly. And watching him drive away the weirdness lifted and I could breathe.  

What the fuck was that all about?  

Shrugging it off, I turned and started walking wondering if it was just me. I hadn't imagined it at the graduation party that time when he'd asked me to suck him off and that he wanted to see me on my knees.

Ugh.  Let's not go there and I shoved that thought away to the back of my mind. Right back. Far enough away that I never brought it up again.

But still, there were questions, and uncertainties gnawing at me, like vultures on a scabby carcass. It was a side of myself I hadn't fully explored, a puzzle I wasn't ready to solve. Ignoring it felt like the safest option, but deep down, I knew it wouldn't make those nagging doubts disappear.

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