Chapter 33

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☼    Sasha    ☼

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Something   Didn't feel right.

And I wasn't talking about the jagged hole in my chest where my heart used to be.

No, this was something else and it had started halfway across the Atlantic.  I'd miraculously snagged a few hours of shut-eye on the plane, courtesy of a valium and a glass of wine—yeah, I know, not exactly the textbook combo. Mixing alcohol and drugs was probably on my therapist's list of big no-no's, but hey, after Ellis walked away with half my heart and Zack passed me off to another guy, shredding the rest of it like it was an inconvenience, trust me, I needed something to drown out the chaos and emptiness.

But the second I'd stepped off the plane the off feeling doubled, no, tripled and it didn't get any better as I breezed through the doors of one of the office buildings that kept Daddy's business running smoothly.

And as much as I wanted to cry and scream and possibly devour a whole tub of Ben and Jerry's Choco-lotta Cheescake to numb the cruelty and torment of my life. Deep down, it was good to be back in the US, because I loved my father.  I'd missed him.  After all, at heart, I was undeniably a daddy's girl.

I just had to ensure he didn't pick up on my misery or the gaping hole in my chest because I was sure he would rip out Zack's heart to even the score. And as much as I hated Zack right now.  I didn't want him and Daddy falling out, or having blood on my hands because blood and Ice-cream didn't mix well.

So, I got this and plastering on a fake-ass smile, I pushed my shoulders back, keeping a firm grip on the Caramel-brulee latte in my hand which was a close second to B&J's.

I would get through this—over this. Time was my best friend here, and it had only been a handful of hours.

Immediately, I blinked back tears of confusion, hurt, and most of all, rage.  

Why? Why do that? 

And why the hell did I want to flip around and get right back on a plane and force him to explain it to me? 

Even more worrying was the fact that I still wanted him.

What an idiot.

However, I was many, many things—young, submissive, a little obsessive—but the one thing I'd never been, not even as a smitten teenage girl, was foolish. And I had no interest in chasing heartbreak with humiliation.

Oh shit. Pressure began to build behind my eyes, thankfully, before I could get all teary eyed my cell phone kicked off again. It was tucked securely in the bag anchored on my shoulder, and it had been steadily buzzing since I asked my daddy's driver to stop so I could get out and purchase my latte.

I relaxed when it stopped... but then it started buzzing again. It had to be daddy and maybe it couldn't wait.

But still, unwilling to risk my drink—or the Gucci double-breasted blazer I'd chosen to complete today's wardrobe—I put as much speed in my stride as I could in heeled boots, making my way up to Daddy's office. "Hold the elevator," a tiny woman with a pixie haircut turned around, eyed me up and down and nodded. "Thank you."

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