Chapter 20

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††  Ellis  ††

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††  Ellis  ††

Smiling to myself, I wiped the drool off my shoulder and shifted over. I was warm in the expansiveness of the king-sized bed, the deep burgundy comforter snarled around my legs. I folded my hands beneath my head, fixating on the ceiling that melded into a shadowy grey. Next to me, Sasha slept, nestled on her side, her form snug against Zack's. Initially, her head had been on my shoulder, her hand on my abs, until I subtly shifted away because my dick was hard.

Not that the erection itself bothered me.


It was the fact that it wasn't just Sasha's touch that had caused it.

I'd been in a deep sleep, or so I'd thought when the sensation of rough, fingers gently brushed against my thigh. Instantly awake, I remained still, recognising those fingers as Zack's. Holding my breath, because they were so close to my dick. I hesitated, unsure whether they would shift closer or retreat if I made a sound.

For what felt like an eternity, I kept my eyes on Zack's face, convinced the man was awake and fucking with me. However, Zack's expression remained unchanged, breaths steady. I wondered if he was awake, whether he might have taken things further, especially since I hadn't made any move to deter him.

Fucked up as it was, I wanted him to wake up and take over. Force me to accept his touch the way he forced me to take everything else. The kissing. Spanking. Fuck, that blowjob.

You could have safe-worded at any time buddy. My brain reminded me.

Why didn't I?

I should have. A straight guy would have.

And we were back to that... the crutch of it. Straight.

I didn't have a problem with gays—fuck, I was a live and let live-type of guy. Who people fucked was their business.

I just didn't want to fuck a guy myself. I was perfectly happy with a guy-on-girl deal. So I just needed to figure out why my body was easily confused with all the new shit I was seeing, and what Zack was throwing at me.

Seeing Sasha got me hard. Really hard. That woman Nia on her knees did too. But getting turned on by two guys fucking? And Zack's blowjob?

That shit wasn't normal... for me. I'd never even watched gay porn—never wanted to for Christ's sake.

'Has he corrupted you yet, Ellis? Made you question...'

That's what she said... that Tabitha woman, back at Zack's place. Corrupted? Made me question what?

When I asked Zak, or tried to, he shot me down.

Ugh. Dragging a hand down my face, I was now wide awake. Groaning out a laugh I rolled off the bed. Perhaps it was a waste of time trying to label what the hell was going on.

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