Chapter 13

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☼  Sasha  ☼

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My blood was pounding so hard through my veins that I felt it everywhere.

What the hell was I doing?

Because if someone would have told me I'd be completely naked, legs apart, using my own fingers to spread my pussy wide open, waiting for Ellis Jenson to put his mouth on me, I would have said they were INSANE.

Yet here I was, hanging upside down with more blood in my head than anywhere else and a throbbing in my groin like I'd never felt before

"Keep your pussy lips spread for me." Christ, when had Ellis's voice gotten so deep?

As his warm hands scorched my skin, and his fingers curled into my flesh, it forced me to hold my breath. The sane half of my brain screamed at me to tell him to get the hell away from me. The other half... well it wanted to find out if his cocky mouth was good for something other than being an asshole and giving me shit.

And wasn't this what I'd asked for?

No. I wanted Zack, but apparently, to have him, I had to show I could submit to Ellis.

So now, I had two of them. Two men telling me what to do. Two of them showing approval and demanding my submission. Was I lucky or being stupidly reckless? The jury was out on that one.

Feeling a touch lightheaded, I had to wonder what was taking so long. And forgetting, well, not forgetting, ignoring the no talking rule, I blurted out. "For god-sake, Ellis. Lick me already!"

I jerked forward as a hand came down on my left ass cheek, and I would have fallen over if not for Ellis's fingers digging into my thighs.

Zack spanked my ass again, and this one had more kick to it, but I bit the inside of my cheek to stop me from giggling. Was it supposed to hurt? Because it didn't, not by a long-shot. I understood, though, how he was testing me. Better to start soft and build up to it, rather than do too much, have to back down, and potentially scare me off.

"Are you topping from the bottom, little girl?" growled Zack.

Did he really want an answer?

"Are you!?"

He sounded angry as his palm cracked against my ass once more, and this one was serious enough to make my body jolt and if I hadn't been wet before, I sure as hell was now. "No... Sir." I shut my mouth with an audible snap as Zack's finger ran down my ass crack and skimmed across my pussy.

"Dirty little slut. Look how wet you are." Zack confirmed what I already knew.

Moving his hand with a chuckle, finally Ellis's tongue swept from back to front, starting at my ass, crossing my vagina, and then up my clit.

My knees almost buckled.

"Grab your ankles again, Sasha." Zack instructed and then to Ellis, he added, "I think she liked that."

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