Chapter 16

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

On board my private plane, the seatbelt sign clicked off and my pilot announced over the intercom that our estimated flight time was an hour and ten minutes.

"Can I get you anything Mr Coles?" Asked a member of the cabin crew, Bryn, his eyes twinkling hoping to be invited to join whatever games I might have planned for my new toys. Bryn was an experienced submissive, and I had enjoyed many flying hours pounding his tight ass.

Sure beat in the in-flight movie, thats for fucking sure.

"Sir?" he prompted.  Oh yes. Right. "No thank you, Bryn. In fact, I won't be needing anything for this short flight. You can retire and relax."

Disappointed, he smiled and bowed out gracefully.

I relaxed back in my seat as Sasha stared out the small window. Ellis chose the seat further away from us, scrolling through his phone, and avoiding any eye contact with me. And right on cue, he looked up and glared, looking all bad-ass and I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude seeping from every pore.

He'd hardly spoken since we left the apartment or during our dinner. Correction, he'd hardly spoken to me.

He was sulking and normally I wouldn't tolerate such bratty behaviour. But from the set of his shoulders and tense line of his jaw, he was baying for an argument and I wouldn't rise to the bait.

I did things on my terms, not his.

That, and I knew exactly what had crawled up his ass—my dismissal of all conversations regarding our earlier visitor. But neither Tabitha's visit nor Ellis's pissy attitude was going to put a downer on tonight's activities. In fact, I knew exactly how to flip his attitude around... at the right time.

"Okay," said Sasha, turning away from the window. "So we're not going to the club and you never asked us to pack anything, so where are we heading tonight, Zack?"

I'd kept them in the dark long enough. "Amsterdam." Not looking at Ellis I felt his sudden interest on me. "And we are going to my club." There was a reason I'd chosen Amsterdam.

Out of all my clubs, weirdly, this one had the highest ratio of poly relationships. And although that nagging voice inside my brain told me flat out I was crazy to bring them here, I'd done it regardless of the consequences.

Perhaps I was having a mental breakdown?  It would explain all my rash and quite frankly crazy decisions.  

Sasha's squeal yanked me out of my musings as she bounced on her seat. Shifting my gaze to Ellis. He tried to keep his curiosity in check and oddly; it amused me and I smiled.

Ellis' blues sharpened along with his tone. "Why are you smiling? It's creepy. You never smile," he snarked.

"I smile." Ellis tossed up an eyebrow and scoffed. "You just miss it because it's when I'm staring at your ass."

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