Chapter 22

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

Sasha was the first to look away, and with a small shake of her head, she spun around and walked off.

"Sir?" said Abe.

"Did I give you permission to speak, boy?" I barked without looking at him. No, my eyes were watching Sasha walk away.


Eyes back on Ellis, his anger radiated from him like he had swallowed a hot coal. "Wait up, Sasha," he growled, taking one last look at the other subs and then he was off chasing Sasha down.

Well, that went to shit at warp speed.

Straightening my clothes, I issued my final command. "You are all free to leave."

Without a look back I headed out and almost walked slap-bang into Nia. "Oops!" She grinned, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip.

At least I now knew how Sasha and Ellis had found me.

"Have fun did we, Nia?"

Batting her eyelashes. "Oh, " Pressing a finger to her bottom lip. "Was I not meant to lead them right to you, Sir?"

Not worthy of a reply, I shouldn't have been shocked.  But Monk and Shawn?  I'd expected better from them.  And if I had the time I would have gladly punished Nia myself. "Aren't your masters waiting to punish you somewhere?"

She hummed. "...Now that you mention it..." She flipped around swaying her hips as she walked away. "Oh, I like them by the way," she said over her shoulder. "Don't hide them away next time you visit."

Next time?

Inside the elevator, I wondered how best to handle this.

Hold up. Why did I have to handle it? 

They were under contract—not me.

I was free to do as I pleased, with whoever I pleased.

Then why did I feel like the biggest shit on the planet?

As I walked into my apartment I half expected to be jumped on. Shutting the door I paused to listen.

Nothing. Not a sound.

Not hanging around, I headed straight for the bathroom. I showered in record time and slipped into my bedroom to dress and still,  I couldn't hear anything.  

Had they left?  

My guts twisted, growing increasingly uneasy as the minutes dragged on.

Man up, my inner voice suggested.

Fantastic advice.

Except that could be taken in more than one way.

Exiting the bedroom, I wandered back through to the main living area. 

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