Chapter 15

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

As I listened to Ellis groan, my chuckle was almost raspy as he shut himself inside the bathroom and I looked back at Sasha. She peeked up at me beneath her dark lashes and I placed a finger under her chin and raised it so I could see her clearly.

Sasha searched my eyes for something, but then her gaze dropped to my mouth for a split moment, causing a tightening in my balls. I lightly ran my finger across her bottom lip and she visibly swallowed.

"There is nothing you wish to tell me?"

"I'm okay," she reassured me again, clearly stating she had overcome or resolved whatever had been upsetting her.

I had expected some push back or bratty behaviour from my two new toys upon returning to the apartment. So imagine my shock when I found them and my brain registered the scene before me: both naked, with Ellis looking ready to fuck Sasha up against the wall.

And fuck, if that didn't turn me on in a way I didn't expect.

It should have caused me concern, and it did, but it also gave me something else. Something different. Desire. Lust. I felt an eagerness to touch and be touched. And a vision of them fucking each other senseless shot through my head.

It baffled me that I'd not picked up on the sexual tension between them. Reading people was a skill I'd honed over time, but these two surprised me and not in an uncomfortable way.

I would admit, it was nice to find that a sub, or in this case, two subs, could still surprise me.

Leaning in a fraction, I lowered my voice. "Have you completed the chores, little girl?"

The way Sasha responded to my use of little girl was telling. A flush burst across her cheeks, flooding down her throat and across those pretty, perky breasts. But it was those expressive eyes, watching them dilate, that sealed it. Praise Kink. Her eagerness to please went beyond submitting. She craved the praise.

"I have, Sir."

"Good girl. Come. Show me." Taking her hand, she eagerly guided me, proud of her newfound knowledge of the washing machine.

Next, she led me into my bedroom and into the ensuite. It shocked me she'd actually done as I'd asked... and more.

Ryan, her dad, would call me a liar if I told him.

I shut the door behind us and spun her around and lifted her effortlessly onto the countertop. Her gaze lifted to mine, long thick eyelashes parting wide and at the same time her mouth puckered a little around a soundless question.

"I am pleased." Three simple words and she gasped softly. "I want you to understand my punishments are always justified and with good reason." That wasn't true in most cases, I got off being a bastard. Subs were only there for my pleasure, or torture.

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