Chapter 7

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

Riding down in the elevator. If someone would have told me, I would one day willingly introduce Max's son to a world of kink, I would have told them to cut back on the booze or the coke.


No one in their right mind would entertain the thought of Ellis Jenson in any sort of kinky activity. And I was pretty sure Max hadn't had this in mind when he shipped him over.

Ellis shifted slightly beside me and his shoulder brushed up against mine—a perfectly innocent touch, but it still made my cock twitch.

I was so fucked, it wasn't even funny.

But what was it about Ellis Jenson?

My stomach curled in on itself. I knew what it was, even though I didn't want to think about it. But as I glimpsed at Ellis with his fair five o'clock shadow, it was like looking through a rear-view mirror to the past. The emotional grave I'd rather not visit because no good came from looking back and glancing at Ellis was everything I thought I'd put behind me.

So I had to come up with some kind of plan here. To have him running for the door.

"James told me Risk hasn't been open long," asked Ellis, cutting into the silence.

"That's partly true. The location is new. But Risk has been up and running for several years. I relocated here so the club could branch out. The casino and nightclub and our exclusive members' floor are recent additions."

Ellis would never see the upper area of the exclusive members. Those people had rooms solely for their use. They paid a high price for anonymity and privacy.

"Do you have a sub?" was his next question.

"I'm not committed to one sub. But if I intend to scene more than twice, we sign a contract."


"Yes. They lay out the terms and limits." I turned to face him. "It's for everyone's safety."

I was not about to discuss my revolving door of subs and swiftly changed subjects. "You are to remember you are a guest here. What you see here. Remains here."

"Hmm, sure."

"I need a better answer than that, Ellis" My tone hardened. "Am I clear?" I was being a prick, but fuck it. This was my club. My life. What I say goes.

He gave me side-eye. "Yeah. Got it. It's fight club." He grinned. "You've seen that movie, right?"

This time I didn't hold back an eye, not that Ellis saw it. "I want you to tell me what you think you know about dominance and submission."

Ellis shrugged. "Just what I've read on the net." I bit back a sigh. "I told you what happened at that party, right?"

I turned to look at him, flicking a brief glance at his mouth. "The graduation party?"

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