Chapter 29

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☼  Sasha  ☼

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I glanced down at our joined hands and grinned like a fool. It screamed 'we're together' although we weren't, well not in any official full-blown relationship kinda of way. And earlier too, we'd lost ourselves in conversation for so long that I'd forgotten all about food until my stomach rumbled and Ellis laughed. He then carried me from the bed to the kitchen table where we sat, naked and ate my pitiful attempt at lasagne.

"What's going on inside that pretty head, Duchess?"

I didn't bother to hide my smile. "This. Us. Being here. It's wild."

"Ah-huh. Wild."

The elevator door opened and we walked out. I almost stumbled when he turned and pressed me up against the wall. "You're not regretting it—are you?"

"No." But I was trying to show some restraint as earlier coming down from my third mind-exploding orgasm I'd practically blurted out that I was falling in love with him. "This almost feels like a date!"

"This is not a date." My smile faltered. "But now you mention it. I'm gonna take you on one. Soon." He leaned in and rubbed his nose against mine. "Would you, come out with me? We could do something fun. Go anywhere. You decide."

And that... I was fairly certain my heart might've actually missed a beat and easing back, his eyes dug into mine, glinting in the shadows. He was serious.

The man who at one time was named jerk, or asshole, was turning out to be everything I never knew I wanted. And devastating good looks aside, beneath it all, he was boyishly enthusiastic about so many things. He was utterly adorable with his curiosity about me too.

And here he was asking me to go out on a date!

I felt positively giddy around him. "You name the date and time and I'm there."

"Yeah?" He kissed me. Hard. My lips parted as his mouth pressed against mine, and his tongue found mine.

And for the fourth time today, we started a fire.

Ellis pushed me harder against the wall-but not too hard, I moaned and he grabbed a handful of my hair. "Sasha, Sasha, Sasha," He purred against my lips. "You drive me crazy, y'know that right?"

"Remember when you used to kiss me like that?"

I tensed and our heads turned at the sound of the voice that sliced through our moment. It was an older couple watching us-they had to be in their seventies.

The man who was dressed all in leather, waggled his eyebrows. "Used to?" he asked. "I kissed you like that this morning, baby-girl."

I had to bite back my giggle, baby-girl. And she wore a collar that said the same.

Awe. They were adorable.

Baby-girl patted her husband and Dom on his arm. "I'm talking about up against a wall like this, not against the wall at home." She lowered her voice, adopting a conspiratorial tone. "He's gonna punish me for saying this."

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