Chapter 43

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††  Ellis  ††

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†† Ellis ††

Zack shook himself out of whatever funk he'd just been in and stepped forward, making me inhale sharply when the tip of his finger trailed along the underside of my jaw.

"Back with me then?" I asked dryly, trying to cover to cover up the feelings skittering their way across my skin. His gaze lifted from my mouth and I saw how wide and blown his pupils were, how swollen his lips were and this time I wasn't completely taken off guard when Zack's tongue thrust into my mouth. Not even trying to resist, I reached for his head, holding him still as we devoured one another.

It wasn't gentle, but not entirely out of control, either, somewhere in the middle.

"Wait—" I pulled back, pushing a hand between us.

"Wait for what?" he asked, his breathing laboured.

"This..." My finger waved between us. "What just happened." Honestly, I couldn't believe he'd let me dominate him. "You submitted to me."

"I did."


His sharply pointed eyebrows lowered. "Because that's what you needed from me."

I swallowed hard when his eyes drifted to my mouth again. "So what now—what does that mean?"

"I don't know," He inhaled and took a step back. "But I'm gonna grab a post-workout shake and then hit the shower."

My damn dick twitched, liking the idea of him, naked in the shower.

But that—this felt wrong now.

Too much. Too soon.

And something inside my chest tied itself into a knot, loose and hard.  Sasha.  It was because she wasn't here.  Yeah, she'd been fine with me coming here to figure out my shit... but this?


It hit me.

Would she call this cheating?

I knew the awful stupid truth in an instant.  Sasha could snap my heart in an instant. She could chew it up and spit it out.  And it would be all my fucking fault, well not all mine. Zack had a hand in it... or rather, a hand on it.  Him touching my dick obliterated thought and common sense.

"Ellis, what's wrong?" He looked genuinely concerned.

"It's Sasha. I don't know—" I scrubbed my hand across my forehead. "I need to talk to her. Give me a minute, yeah?"

I didn't wait for him to respond. I was practically running from the apartment to abruptly stop on the landing. Looking left then right I spotted an open door and inside I could see work-out equipment. His gym. Heading that way I looked over my shoulder before shutting the door leaning up against it and fishing out my phone.

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