Chapter 39

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☼  Sasha  ☼

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The awareness of him this close coated my skin with a prickle of goosebumps.

"Give me another chance, Sasha. Let me prove it."

I bit into my lip.  Could I?   And for some crazy reason, delicious heat flared inside my chest.

I shouldn't want to. I shouldn't want him.

Not when I'd begged and he walked away and definitely not when it had crushed my heart every time my messages and calls went unanswered.

However, he did seem sincere... But  that's how hearts get broken when you believe in their promises, the little whispers reminded me.

Ugh. What to do? 

And how exactly had I ended up here? The memory of coming home was elusive and vague because I'd been hijacked by a green-eyed harpy who was seething at Ellis for moving on with him and her.

Not even yoga helped unknot my emotions and then the next minute I was lying on my bed underneath Ellis Jenson's hard body.

It was jarring and worrying.

Had he put some messed up juju spell on me?

Another problem with him this close was the wet patch in my yoga pants...expanding.  As well as producing a pretty hard, throbbing lady boner. My clit had never felt so swollen as he pressed his clothed erection into the seam of my thighs.

Ignore it. Ignore it. Ignore it!

Ellis cut into my inner turmoil "I want you. I want you so fucking bad that I'm starving without you. Do you get that?" His breathing was laboured and there was a slight tremble in his voice.

Weirdly, it was overwhelming. Intoxicating. Everything.

Something else I should ignore but I swallowed thickly and my hand moved of its own free will. My fingers found his button-down shirt and tangled in the fabric, twisting it roughly. I wasn't sure if I was trying to pull him into me or push him away. "Can I trust you?" I murmured and this time I was the one to shush him when he tried to interrupt.

That lifted something in him and it was like I was seeing him for the first time. His eyes seemed a brighter blue with the odd silver fleck that I'd never noticed. His dark blonde hair looked softer and clean and was slicked back loosely in a haphazard style that screamed I spent six hours making it look this messy. I wanted to grip it and pull. His skin was tanned, like mine but unlike me, Ellis had had a dusting of pale freckles across his nose that I found utterly adorable. Not that I'd tell him.

"Look, I get it, you need to learn to trust me again." He ran his knuckle down my cheek. "But I'm going to be adamant, aggressive, and stubborn as hell in making you believe me."

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